Day 57

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7 days since Tommyinnit was found:

The damaged boy has laid there for days, still not waking up from the whole ordeal. Phil had to put a feeding tube in since he hasn't eaten in days and his hair has begun falling out. If he didn't get food in him, then his organs would have most likely shut down, so Phil did the only option he could.

Everyday, Phil would check the tube, making sure it never got infected and would change it if he needed to. Days and days pass, yet the boy never rose, growing paler and paler. It got to the point where Phil told the boy's friends to say their goodbyes, not knowing if the boy was going to make it.

But the friends didn't want to say goodbye, not yet. As long as the boy is kicking, Tubbo and Ranboo won't give up. They would go to Chruch Prime every other day, praying to their god, desperate for some miracle. Michael would even tag along, picking flowers as he would skip down the prime path, hands full by the time they got to Snow Chester.

Techno on the other hand chose... other methods to cope. He spent his days preparing and his night planning. His map was full of possible places where Dream could be hiding. It became an obsession. He wouldn't rest until he found the man responsible for putting his little brother through hell. 

"Mate," Phil said as he found his oldest staring at yet another map in the middle of the night, "You need sleep. It's not healthy! Your organs will shut down just like Tommy's!"

The boys name was spoken and Techno froze. No one ever spoke of the boys name, not since the accident, "Phil, I have to find him. It's all I can think about. He hurt my brother, your son!"

"I know, but Techno you can't help him if you are dead!"

"Than let me die!" Techno shouts, causing Phil to flinch, "It's not like it matters if he won't wake up! Dream put him under this, and he is the only person who can stop it!"

"Ranboo has woken himself up from Enderwalk before Techno, I'm sure he can figure it out."

"He is literally praying Phil! How will that help? Prime won't do anything!"

"And how do you know that?"

"Come on Phil," Techno let's out a sigh, "If he wanted to help, he would have already."

"Maybe he isn't helping because you won't believe!"

"How will that change anything?! Tommy is dying and no one is doing a dam thing about it!"

"That's not fair!" Phil scolds, slamming his hands on the table, "I love him just as much as you do but I'm no good to him if I'm dead before I even get a chance to apologize!"

Techno slumps in his chair, running a hand over his exhausted features.

"Look mate, I get it. You feel the need to make up for everything that you've done, but doing this to yourself- starving yourself- it's not going to do anything but kill you. You need rest. You need sleep."

"I know." Techno huffs, meeting Phil's eyes for the first time that day, "I'm sorry."

"You are alright." Phil picks up the scattered papers all over the dining table, stacking them neatly, "Go take a nap. Everything will be here when you get back."

Techno let's out a grunt in response, lifting himself out of the chair and shuffling towards his chambers. Having spent so long in the big mansion, the Blade has grown used to the journey up the stairs and across the long, winding hallway. He didn't really know where his body was taking him until he found himself leaning against the doorway, watching Tommy lying motionless on the bed.

The minute his younger brother came into his view, every ounce of protective essence in Techno's being blew up. All he wanted to do was talk to him--- have a normal conversation. Maybe chat about what Tommy's favorite disc still was or if it changed. He wanted to talk to him about anything that a 16-year-old would normally want to talk about.

Technoblade felt his stomach start to churn as he thinks about all the ways he had failed his brother---even his family. He never should have brought Tommy to that festival. They should have stayed at home by the fire with Phil and lived the rest of their lives away from L'Manburg.

As much as he regrets blowing up the nation, the Blade is slightly glad for it being gone. It was the root to all of their problems, and no matter how hard people try to defend L'Manburg, he was never going to back down from the truth.

Without L'Manburg, the original Discwar never would have happened. The election would have never happened. Schlatt never would have banished Tommy and Wilbur, causing both of their sanities to crumble. Techno and Tommy would never have to live without a brother. Tommy would never have been exiled.

None of this would be happening.

Techno grunts as he pushed off the wall and into the all-to-tiny room, finding a large chair to sink into beside Tommy's lack figure. As he took his dying brothers hand, Techno swore to never leave his side again, never getting out of that chair until his brother woke.

AN: Ummmm hello. This is awkward. Sorry for disappearing for a year. That's my bad. I don't want to leave this hanging because as a fan-fic reader, I hate authors that do that. Hope you enjoy 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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