Part 2- extra from mothers day 💕

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If you don't know what happened in the Mother's Day episode look at the OG book the wrong group chat

This part is when they are all in the living room sitting on the couches/sofas or the floor after the live and stuff

Kim-Rach do you still have those videos off all of your kids, Sonny's kids and Rye's kids
Rachael-omg yea I have all of them since they were born till they were 18 cause we stopped at 18 for all of them
Kylie-omg can we watch them
Rachael-yea (walk to a cabinet of labelled cds) who's do you want
Kourtney-who do you have
Rachael-I have Charly 0-18, Tayler 0-18, Kelianne 0-18, Noah 0-18, Bryce 0-18, Brittney 0-18, Madison 0-18, Mads 0-18, Amelie 0-18, Jaden 0-18, Nick 0-18 and Chase 0-18 
Sonny-jeez I didn't realise we filmed all of that
Rachael-we're not done that's not even half
Rachael-yea we have tour vlogs, random vlogs, photoshoot vlogs, music video vlogs, duff fam moments, Robertson gang moments, Beaumont best moments, singing moments, dancing moments, parents embarrassing moments, overprotective parent moments, day in the life vlogs, night routine vlogs, morning routine vlogs, full fam moments, best Rachael drunk moments, best parent son moments, best parent daughter moments, best sibling moments, cute sibling moments, best sway moments, best hype house moments, best triller compound moments, Tayler situation, pregnant Rachael, pregnant Hannah, pregnant Honor and finally best fan moments
Jack-holy moly how did we film all that
Tayler-why is there a Tayler situation
Hannah-we will explain that later honey
Sonny-(laughs) why is there only a best Rachael drunk moments and none of us
Rachael-(laughs) idk probably cause I'm crazy when drunk
Kim-why don't we do the day in the life
Rachael-alright (puts the day in the life cd on) okay which day in the life do you want, Rachael, Jack, Sonny, Hannah, Rye or Honor
Sonny-go put on yours cause it'll be funny
(They put on Rachael's day in the life)

Tayler and Kelianne are 5, Bryce and Brittney are 4, Madison is 3, Jaden and Amelie are 2 and Chase is 1

Starts with Rachael is bed
Rachael-(whispers and morning voice) good morning, I've been asked by my team to do a day in the life so here it is a day in the life of Rachael with her husband and 5 kids under 5 and I'm here saying good morning and it's like 3:30 in the morning I just put Chase back to sleep and I was going to go back to bed to sleep then realised for the past week Jaden has been deciding to wake up at 3:45 for no reason and not go back to sleep till nearly 4:30 - 5 am so yea that's how my morning is going to plan out so I'll see you once I put Jaden back to bed (ends clip)
Rachael-(lying on her pillow) hi It's 5:30 I put Jaden back to sleep at 5 then our manager called and said me and Jack have a online meeting at 6:30 so guess we are running on 2 hours of sleep cause me and Jack didn't go bed till midnight bad idea (Rubs Jack) Jack love we have a meeting at 6:30 and I'm doing a day in the life
Jack-ugh meetings (cuddles Rachael) how much sleep did you get
Rachael-2 hour cause Chase got up at 2am and didn't go back to sleep till 3:30 when I started this vlog then Jaden woke at 3:45 and didn't go back to sleep till 5 then our manager called me saying we have a online meeting at 6:30 and here we are
Rachael-yea so I am tired with a capital t, well vlog we better get up and ready for our meeting so I'll either see yall before our meeting or after idk it depends on how I'm feeling (ends clip)

Real life
Jack-the meeting times didn't change
Rachael-they really didn't
Sonny-did you not sleep train rach
Rachael-we did, it would end up in having to give them a bath and clean their beds because they cried so much they would throw up
Kim-oh gosh so that's why you said sorry if I'm tired I only got such and such amount of sleep
Travis-how did you function for so long with little sleep
Rachael- you'll see in the video probably

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