Part 20-Seoul

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Rachael POV

Guess it time to tell all to my family.

Rachael-Jack hunni
Jack-yea hun
Rachael-Brittney messaged they are on their way should be arriving soon how's ...
Jack-they're fine sleeping away
Rachael-my dad taught us well
Jack-the best
(Knock on the door)
Rachael-that must be them (opens the door to see everyone) hi guys come in take off your shoes and put a pair on slippers on
Jack-hi guys want any teas or coffee
Kris-(hugs Rachael) that goodness you are okay
Rachael-who said I wasn't okay
Brittney-mum please tell us what's happening cause you and dad ran away and had a baby!
Rachael-hun keep your voice down the baby is sleeping
Brittney-so it is your baby
Rachael-sweetheart everything will be explained shortly
(Jack comes in with teas, coffees and drinks for everyone)
Rachael-so I guess we'll start from the beginning after my mum left my dad took me to Seoul South Korea and to this exact house you are sitting today but I got the shock of my life with what he told me
Sonny-wait what
Rachael-I got told that I'm not actually his daughter
Sonny-But we're twins!
Rachael-let me speak Ryan, so basically my actual father gave me to my so called dad cause my actual mother died when giving birth to me and my actual dad couldn't take the stress of being a father alone and he was starting his company so since he knew my so called mother and father and me and you sonny were the same age they made us think we were twins cause we looked very similar and we actually have the same birthday it's quite creepy how it turned out then when my so called mother left we actually couldn't take the fact that her and my so called dad couldn't tell me I wasn't actually related to them so she left then my so called dad took me here to I could reunite with my actual father
Rachael-but I couldn't live with my actual father as he was a successful businessman and it would ruin his reputation so I stayed with my so called dad and every summer i would come here to be with my actual dad and spend time here and that's also why my so called dad got me into singing and dancing cause I would have something in common with my actual dad
Kris-so that's why your father kept saying you were in summer camp when it came to summer
Rachael-yes he covered the fact that he wasn't my actual dad to you kris so you wouldn't leave him and summer camp was the only thing he could come up with So when my so called dad died I agreed to my actual dad that I would buy this house and come here every summer but when I had kids and a husband he would only see pictures as again I had a reputation and he had a reputation and it would ruin it all
Jaden-so that's why we would come here every summer
Rachael-yes I would update him on all of you guys and everything
Brittney-so who is your dad
Rachael-he's coming soon so you will find out soon
Kim-okay that explains your actual father but what's this to do with the baby
Rachael-well a few months ago even tho jack had a vasectomy I fell pregnant and I found out cause I had really bad morning sickness which I only get while pregnant
Kris-that why you would call off morning meetings
Rachael-yes I was sick and badly sick so I didn't tell any of you because it was a very risky pregnancy which you all probably know I didn't have the best pregnancy with Madison or Jaden
Kim-yea you nearly lost both of them
Rachael-well this baby's heart stopped beating during an ultrasound and started beating again and nearly lost them many times but little baby is one tough fighter
Bryce-so why'd you run away
Rachael-because my actual father was the only one who knew about the baby so once they were born my dad asked to see them before anyone else and he's been actually helping us a lot with him and he took the baby here cause the Carson thing came out and it wasn't the right time to tell everyone about a surprise baby
Rye-so you ran away
Rachael-well I didn't technically run away I was collecting my child
Kris-right I can't wait any longer is it a boy or girl
Rachael-it's a baby boy
Kim-Name Rachael Name
Rachael-baby boy named Joshua Taylor Duff
Khloe-can we meet him
Rachael-of course Jack can you go get him
Jack- of course (Jack goes and gets baby Joshua)
Kris-so did you have a c-section
Rachael-yes so that's why Jack is getting the baby cause I can't bend down
Madison-so that's why you've been more on edge and more stressed out
Rachael-yes I was afraid pictures would leak
(Jack comes back with baby Joshua in his arms)
Jack-who wants cuddles first
Kris-me (Jack hands Kris the baby) oh my gosh he looks exactly like Chase when he were born
Rachael-that's what I've been saying to Jack he's a replica of chase
Kim-oh my gosh that's Chase
Khloe-oh my gosh you're right
Diane-so you technically my DNA have 7 kids
Kris-omg you always wanted a big family tho
Rachael- yea me and Jack always talked about having more after Chase but life got in the way
Kris-wait so how did Jack meet your dad
Jack-before the kids were born Rachael took me here and we met
Kris-oh that makes sense
(Knock on the door)
Rachael-oh that must be my dad
(Jack gets up and answers the door)
Jack-hey ... come in everyone's here
...-thank you
Madison-omg that's ....

Hope you enjoyed who seem that coming!?
But the real question is who's Rachael's actual father??
Guess you'll just have to come back to find out ?!

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