Part 3-another extra from mothers day 💕

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A/N- I just wanna say this isn't how I portrayed Sonny and Hannah as parents in real life this is just a storyline that I thought would be cool cause it randomly came to my head. Also adult language used but I put it like this : ****

After they watched Rachael's day on the life

Tayler-what's the Tayler situation
(Rachael, Jack, Hannah, Sonny and Kris all look at each other weird)
Rachael-I knew this was gonna happen one day do you want me to tell the backstory then play the video or you guys then play the video
Sonny-you do it sis you're better at explaining it
Rachael-right Tayler go sit next to granny (Kris is on the other side of the room away from Sonny, Hannah, Jack and Rachael) right I think that will be okay Kelianne and Chase m be on the look out and grab Tayler if you see him get up okay I know yall are confused but it will make sense soon
Chase m-okay?
Rachael-right in the day in the life of me you seen me walk past a room labelled but it was blurred yes
Rachael-that room was labelled Tayler so when yall were younger you probably seen Tayler a lot
Rachael-the reason why is because Tayler you spend most of your time here how do I say this next part.....Sonny and Hannah were....busy? with Kelianne and Amelie
Tayler-what do you mean why busy'll see Sonny Hannah you wanna explain why
Sonny-okay (sighs) by the way we both regret the decisions we made
Hannah-like we never forgave ourself for this and never will
Sonny-okay what Rachael means why when she said busy is like when yall were younger Rachael and Jack use to take care of you a lot Tayler
Tayler-but why
Sonny-we use to take your sisters out and not bring you basically
Tayler-WTF (gets up but Chase M and Kelianne but they get him to sit down)
Rachael-right are you 100% sure you want to see this
Rachael-right but you need to keep your cool during it
Rachael-mum watch him please
Kris-sure thing

Rachael-hey future Rachael here so I've documented this situation with Tayler and how I took serious actions to it. You're welcome. Here's some clips of my brother on the phone to me asking if I can take Tayler for a few days and Tayler's reaction

Other clip still throwback
Phone call between Sonny and Rachael
Rachael-hey bro what's up
Sonny-hey sis can you do me a massive favour
Rachael-sure what's the matter
Sonny-can you pick up Tayler and have a sleepover
Rachael-Seriously Sonny I've picked Tayler up and had him over for a sleepover everyday this month and we are in the middle of this month already
Sonny-I know but we are taking the girls out but Tayler won't enjoy it and we will pick him tomorrow morning
Rachael-it's the same f***ing excuse every time Ryan it's always "oh we are taking the girls out but Tayler won't enjoy it" then you F off to Disneyland with them it's like seriously like what would dad think of this
Sonny-don't bring dad into this Rachael
Rachael-(angry) at least dad is being a better father than you are right now, I'll pick up Tayler and have him over for a sleepover but keep in mind Ryan this is the last f***ing time I'm doing this before I take full custody of Tayler you got it
Sonny-yea yea
Rachael-don't f***ing yea yea me I'm being serious me and jack have already filled in the forms and mum is on our side even our biological mum and our sister don't agree what you are doing to that poor boy Ryan
Sonny-f*** off Rachael we have our own way of parenting
Rachael-is your parenting favouriting your children cause that's how everyone sees it Ryan cause obviously Tayler isn't the favourite
Sonny-sh** up Rachael isn't like you are better
Rachael-excuse me I'm not returning to anything until Chase is 18 for my kids and actually spending time with them while you are leaving your son with me to take your girls to these places
Rachael-got nothing to say didn't think so..well good bye Ryan speak to you when you actually take care of your son
(end of phone call)

In the car away to pick up the kids Rachael-ugh I just wanna knock some common sense into my brother sometimes
Jack-what's happened
Rachael-well we are picking up Tayler again and he's having a sleepover and they are picking him up tomorrow
Rachael-yea that's why I was screaming to my brother
Jack-I really though sonny would be a good father knowing what's yours and his dad did for you but it seems he's favouriting his children
Rachael-that's what I said to him but he's like you aren't better and I'm like b**** I'm off everything until Chase is 18 for my kids
(Rachael picking up the kids)
Rachael-hey darlings how was school
Brittney-mummy is Tayler coming
Rachael-yes Tayler's coming baby
Brittney-why doesn't uncle Sonny and Auntie Hannah pick him up
Rachael-they are busy baby
Brittney-but they are always busy
Rachael-I know baby but some people are just busier than other
Tayler-hey auntie Rachael am I coming with you again
Rachael-yea you are darling another sleepover
Tayler-ugh why can't I go with my mummy and daddy
Rachael-they are busy people honey
Tayler-but they are always busy
Rachael-I know darling we can call them tonight if you want
Tayler-no thanks auntie
Rachael-right let's get in the car huh

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