Part 18-the truth finally comes out !!

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Sensitive topic ahead read at own risk ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Rachael, Jack and Kris are already at the house

Rachael-(pacing) I'm so nervous what if the kids hate us after this
Jack-I'm sure they'll understand
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Bryce and his mates, Brittney and Shawn, Madison and Nick Beaumont, Jaden ans his mates and Chase and his mates ) hey you lot come in
Jack-hey you lot come sit down
Kris-hi guys
Brittney-mum dad grandma you okay you're acting really weird
Jack -yea we're fine
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Kim and her kids) hey guys come in
Kim-(hugs Rachael) how you feeling
Rachael-scared honestly
Kim-don't be
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Khloe and her kids) hey guys come in
Khloe-(hugs Rachael) I know todays scary but don't worry you've always got us
Rachael-thank you Khloe I needed that
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Kylie and her kids) hey guys come in
Kylie-hey sis today will be fine I promise
Rachael-thanks Kylie
Jack-(whispers in Rachael's ears) I hope Landon doesn't bring Charli cause we don't need any more drama
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Kourtney, Travis and their kids and Charli and Dixie and Noah Beaumont/) hi guys come in
Kourtney-(hugs Rachael) we've always got your back Rachael
Rachael-thanks kourt
Rachael-(whispers in Jacks ear) f*** keep an eye on Chase please (Rachael looks like she away to break down at any second)
Kris-(hugs Rachael) it'll be fine I promise
Rachael-(tears up and voice cracks) I know but I'm scared of the kids' reaction
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Rye and Honor and their girls) hi guys come in
Rye-(hugs Rachael) it'll be fine today you know
Rachael-I know I'm just scared of the kids' reaction cause all the adults know
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Sonny and Hannah and their kids and their significant others) hi guys come in
Sonny-(hugs Rachael) the kids will understand okay
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Harmony, Andy and her kids and their significant others) hi guys come in
Harmony-(hugs Rachael) I've always got your back
Rachael-thank you
(Knock at the door)
Rachael-(opens the door to see Diane and Carson) hi guys come in
Diane-(hugs Rachael) you okay
Rachael-not the best but it's okay

Kim and her kids, Khloe and her kids, Kourtney and Travis and their kids and Landon and Charli D'amelio, Kylie and her kids, Kris and Corey, Sonny, Hannah, Tayler, Kelianne, Chase M and his kids, Amelie, Blake, Bryce and his mates , Brittney, Shawn, Madison, Nick Beaumont, Jaden and his mates , Chase and his mates, Rye, Honor, Charly, Mads, Harmony, Andy, Madison Fowler, Carter-James, Abigail and Aiden and their significant other, Diane and Carson are all at Rachael and Jack's house to know what's the surprise is

Rachael-right guys this is Diane and Carson
Diane-nice to meet and see you all again
Rachael-(tears up) you kids probably don't understand why you are here umm Carson you are probably most confused and all will be explained but I need you all to have open minds and stay calm for what we are about to tell you cause we didn't think we'd have to tell you like this cause things have come up and it needs to be explained before someone else reveals it
Kris-what Rachael is trying to say is that the story involves thing but it may affect the way you look at Rachael and Jack and all the adults in the room
Brittney-so everyone knows expect us kids
Jack-yes again we didn't think we'd have to tell you kids like this but we don't want you guys finding out from somewhere else
Rachael-(tears up) right I can't hold it in anymore so to give you some background me and Diane were best friends from nursery up to adult hood like she was there for everything like every heartbreak, all my mental health stuff, every thing that went on in my life she was there and I was there for her through everything but about 20 years ago that changed Diane do you want to take over
Diane-sure umm as Rachael said we were best friends through thick and thin until 20 years ago I found I was pregnant but when I was 1 month along during my pregnancy I got diagnosed with breast cancer umm which meant I had to go through intense chemotherapy which resulted in whether to keep the baby or not but ultimately we decided not to keep the baby as it was too dangerous for me to carry a baby during chemo and me and my husbands before that had tried for years to have another baby and we couldn't freeze our eggs or sperm cause it wasn't possible at the time but ultimately during my cancer the doctor told me I could never have anymore kids which was hard cause me and my husbands always wanted another child so after I was diagnosed with the cancer me and Rachael were talking and Rachael you wanna tell them that part
Rachael-yea so me and Diane were talking and years before me and Jack decided on whether we wanted kids or not we decided to freeze our eggs and sperm and me and Diane talked and we talked to her husband and we talked to Jack and we talked to my mum, my sisters, my brother and my friends and we of course we talked to the doctors and other people and we all agreed on something
Madison-what do you mean
Carson-yea what do you mean
Rachael-we all talked and ultimately we decided that we would use the frozen eggs and sperm and I could carry a baby that was genetically mine and Jack's but it would be Diane and her husbands child so Diane and her husband could have a baby and that baby turned out to be you Carson
Carson-so what you're trying to tell us is that I'm genetically yours and jacks but my parents are my mum and dad
Rachael-yes exactly as Diane couldn't have or carry a child me and Jack offered this suggestion in which the whole family agreed on and other people and doctors agreed on
Carson-so I'm your child (point at Rachael) but I'm also your child (points at Diane)
Rachael-genetically you are mine and jacks child so that why you don't have the same DNA as Diane and you'll probably have a match DNA with me and Jack but ultimately your parents are Diane and her husband as they raised you
(Carson runs out the house)
Diane-CARSON, I knew he wouldn't take it well
Rachael-I'll go get him
(Rachael runs after Carson and finds him sitting on the front step)

Rachael-hey can I sit
Carson-yea sure
Rachael-I know this time will be very stressful and confusing for you, but think about it this way your mum was in a tough time in her life and us making you really gave her the will be keep living you made her keep living as having you around gave her a purpose to keep living like I had my kids they helped me from stop doing it
Carson-so I kept my mum alive
Rachael-basically cause your mum was very suicidal and even her own kids weren't helping her but when we came up with this suggestion and I became pregnant with you she had someone who needed her to keep living and you made her stay here to take care of you and if you ever found out she thought she was going to loose the one thing keeping her alive
Carson-so my mum kept it from me as I was keeping her alive and me finding out this might make her think she's loosing me
Rachael-exactly like I'm the same telling my kids today about this I feel bad cause i never told my kids and I thought they were gonna hate me for not telling them this and keeping it for 19 years so what I'm trying to say and not to hate your mum because you've been the one to keep her alive all these years
Carson-I don't think I could ever hate my mum but I do feel bad for running out
Diane-that's a normal reaction
(Carson and Rachael look back)
Diane-you shouldn't feel bad cause that's a normal reaction
Rachael-I'll leave you two to have a talk
(Rachael goes back inside and leaves Diane and Carson to talk)

Kris-rach how did it go
Rachael-it went okay he understands more
Kris-well the kids are outside do you want me to get them inside so you and Jack can talk to them
Brittney-you can tell them we aren't talking to them
Kris-guys come on
Bryce-we aren't talking to them grandma
Kris-well they aren't talking to you
Rachael-I expected that are they mad
Kris-it looks like it
Rachael-(tears up) i knew that they'd hate us
Sonny-hey sis have you chatted with your kids yet
Rachael-they don't want to talk to us (tears up)
Sonny-(hugs Rachael) I promise they'll be fine they just need to calm down I think Kim and Khloe are talking to them

Kim and Khloe's talk with the Bryce and his mates, Brittney, Shawn, Madison, Nick, Jaden and his mates and Chase and his mates

Kim-hey you lot
Khloe-hey guys
Brittney-hey auntie Kim
Madison-hey auntie Khloe
Kim-why do you guys not want to talk to your parents
Brittney-(kinda shouts and angry) they blatantly lied to us and kept lying to us for all these years like we'd ask in pictures from when mum was probably pregnant with Carson and she looked pregnant but she lied and said she wasn't and then magically the baby bump went away and she still denied that she was pregnant they are f***ing liars to their own kids and then she goes and runs after a kids that's genetically hers and doesn't even come up to us the kids who they raised and took care of they can F*** OFF
Khloe-I know they lied but the time wasn't right then hun your mum wanted you guys to be able to understand and have Carson and Diane here so you'd understand and the biggest thing for your mum was that she was scared of losing you guys and you guys being mad at her which you probably are right now and she knew you guys were gonna be mad so your mum and dad decided after you guys leave today they'd run away and since they have a home there to wherever they are going they'd stay there for a bit
Jaden-do you guys know where they are going
Kim-nope your parents just said if you guys were mad and angry with them they are going to one of their homes and they'll come back once you guys have calmed down
(They hear a car drive off)
Khloe-that must be them
(Kris comes over)
Kris-yea your mum and dad just left cause Brittney you weren't quietest so they kinda heard everything you said here your mum and dad is on the phone (hands Brittney a phone)
Brittney-what do you want mum
Jack-hey guys me and your mother are going to a place that we know very well and that we have a home in so don't worry about us and we will be back as soon as you kids calm down and aren't as angry as you guys are probably
Madison-but dad we want to talk
Rachael-well we asked to talk to you all and you said no so you guys know we're we have homes so have fun trying to track us down bye have fun (Rachael and Jack hang up the phone)
Brittney-so they can f*** off
Bryce-Brit for all we know mum and dad could be doing drugs cause that didn't sound like mum cause mum could be crying
Brittney-true so mum and dad have homes in USA, Canada, United Kingdom, South Korea and Japan

Hope you enjoyed 😛
The Drama has started 🤪

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