Part 17-baby no 6?

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Just found out I'm not related to my parents

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Just found out I'm not related to my parents

Fan-omg I'm so sorry, hope you're okay 🥺
Fan-omg hope you're okay 🥺
BryceDuff✔️-omg mate hope you're alright
JadenDuff✔️-hope you're okay mate
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Messages between Rachael, Jack and Kris

Rachael-remember Diane Lueders
Kris-yea your friend who you did the favour for
Rachael-yea that child became Carson Lueders
Jack-Jaden and Bryce's friend!
Rachael-yea and he just posted that he's just found out he doesn't have the same DNA as his parents and guess who's is "mum"
Rachael-yup so we're in big BIG trouble
Jack-s*** I though she swore she'd never tell
Rachael-well we never know me and Diane lost contact after I gave birth to him
Kris-calm down I'll message our people to see what they say and we'll go from there
Kris-what does it say

End of messages between Rachael, Jack and Kris

Messages between Rachael and Carson

Carson-hi Rachael my mum told me you and her use to be friends and she couldn't remember who helped her so I was wondering if you could do DNA test if not it's okay I just want to know the people who helped my parents
Rachael-hi Carson before i agree to the DNA test could I possibly get your mums number to ask her something
Carson-yea of course it's ###-####-####
Rachael-I'll get back to you as soon as i can
Carson-okay thank you

End of messages between Carson and Rachael

Messages between Kris, Rachael and Jack

Rachael-it says "hi Rachael my mum told me you and her use to be friends and she couldn't remember who helped her so I was wondering if you could do DNA test if not it's okay I just want to know the people who helped my parents". What do I say
Jack-you could try ask if for his mums number first and ask Diane
Rachael -yes I got Diane's number I'm away to messages her

End of messages between Kris, Rachael and Jack

Messages between Rachael and Diane

Rachael-hi Diane it's Rachael I got your number from Carson
Diane-hi Rachael nice hearing from you
Rachael-right let's just to the chase why is Carson asking for a DNA test
Diane-his friend was doing a YouTube video taking a DNA test and he wanted to do it as well cause he wants to know his background and stuff and he wanted to do the whole families I tried to get him not to do it but he made us do it I'm so sorry
Rachael-it's okay honestly but how we are suppose to tell him and tell my other kids cause there's gonna be questions
Diane-me and Carson could fly to LA and then we could get your whole family round and tell them that way
Rachael-yea me, Jack and my mum agree on that
Diane-okay I've just booked flights to LA
Rachael-thank you for doing this honestly
Diane-no thank you for doing it for me all those years ago
Rachael-honestly it was it help you out

End of messages between Rachael and Diane

Messages between Kris, Rachael and Jack

Rachael-sooo we agree that Diane and Carson would fly out and we would get the whole family together this weekend
Kris-yea Kim, Kylie, Khloe, Kourtney and Sonny said they can come and their kids as well
Jack-the kids said they can come as well as rye and his kids and Shawn
Rachael-okay I'm scared the kids will hate us
Kris-I'm sure they'll understand

End of messages between Kris, Rachael and Jack


Not looking forward to this weekend

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Not looking forward to this weekend

Fan-hope you're okay 🥺
Fan-hope you're okay 🥺
Fan-are you okay Rachael
BrittneyDuff✔️-mum do you know what's happening this weekend and can you tell us
-RachaelRDuff✔️-i do know and you'll find out this weekend
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Messages between Bryce, Brittney, Madison, Jaden and Chase

Madison-guys did you all get a message from dad saying there's a very important family meeting this weekend that we all have to attend at mums house
Jaden- yea
Brittney-yea and when I asked mum about it cause you know mum tells us everything before hand if she knows what's happening and she said you'll find out this weekend
Bryce-that's weird of mum to do that
Jaden-yea I also messaged mum and she said the same thing and she's being very blunt
Brittney-that's what I was gonna say
Madison-yea I messaged dad saying why and he said the same thing
Chase-I messaged grandma and she's being very weird
Brittney-something up and only grandma, dad and mum know
Madison-well well find out this weekend

End of messages between Bryce, Brittney, Madison, Jaden and Chase

Hope you enjoyed
Wonder what that favour was ?
Also I chose Carson Lueders but if y'all don't like him I can change it

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