Part 23- meeting new people

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A/N- btw I know some people below speak Korea or a different language but for the easier way of things it will be written in English

Kim and her kids, Khloe and her kids, Kourtney and Travis and their kids and Landon and Charli D'amelio, Kylie and her kids, Kris and Corey, Diane and Carson and Harmony, Andy, Madison Fowler, Carter-James, Abigail and Aiden and their significant other left to go back

Sonny, Hannah, Tayler, Kelianne, Chase M and his kids, Amelie, Blake, Bryce and his mates , Brittney, Shawn, Madison, Nick Beaumont,
Jaden and his mates , Chase and his mates, Rye, Honor, Charly, Mads, are all at still Rachael and Jack's house but Rachael, Jack, Joshua and JYP are going to the JYP Entertainment office

Rachael-is anyone in the building today
JYP-yea I know there's stray kids, itzy, twice and Xdinary heroes coming in I don't know if anyone else is coming in but yea don't worry tho they are all fantastic people
Rachael-I know you tell me all about them all the time
(They arrive at the jyp office: Jack is pushing the stroller/bassinet buggy with Joshua in it)
(They enter the entrance and they see some people)
JYP-hi boys
Stray Kids-(bows) hi sir
JYP-boys this is Rachael and her husband Jack and their 6/7th child Joshua
Rachael-hi guys you must be stray kids it very nice to meet you
Chan-hi Rachael, Jack we are big fans of your music and performances
Rachael-awe thank you boys
JYP-I'm just showing Rachael and Jack around the building if you'd like to join
Stray kids - we'd love to sir
(Stray kids and JYP show Rachael and Jack around)
JYP-and these are the practise rooms where any idols and trainee dance in/train in, I think I hear twice, itzy and Xdinary heroes practicing, we'll go see twice first (knocks on door)
???-come in
(They all enter)
Twice-(bows) hi sir
JYP-hi girls I'd just throughly id pop on with Rachael, Jack and their 6/7th child Joshua and skz joined us
Nayeon-hi we are big fans of you both, we love your music it's really inspiring
Rachael-awe thank you you all are so sweet here
Jack-love I'm just away to walk Joshua up and down he's getting fussy
Rachael-okay shout if you need help of anything
Jack-okay (Jack takes the stroller outside the room and walks up and down)
Rachael-so what you are guys practising
Jihyo-it's our new Japanese single celebrate
Rachael-oo must be a fun dance then
(They all laugh)
JYP-well we better get going so they can practise
Rachael-well I hope he isn't pushing you too hard or tell me and I'll tell him off alright
Twice-alright thank you Rachael see you soon
Rachael-see you soon girls
(They leave twice and knock on the itzy's room)
???-come in
(They all enter)
Itzy-(bows) hi sir
JYP-hi girls I'd just throughly id pop on with Rachael, Jack and their 6/7th child Joshua are outside and skz joined us
Rujin-hi we are big fans of you both, we love your music it's really inspiring
Rachael-awe thank you you all are so sweet here
Jack-(comes in with Joshua crying in his arms) sorry to bother Rachael I can't get him to calm down
Rachael-okay let me try (takes Joshua from Jack and he calms down immediately and falls asleep in her arms)
Rachael-try 5 kids Jack try 5 adult kids
(Everyone laughs)
Rachael-so what you are guys practising
Rujin-it's our single sneaker
Rachael-oo love a dance where you can be comfortable
(They all laugh)
JYP-well we better get going so they can practise
Rachael-well I hope he isn't pushing you too hard or tell me and I'll tell him off alright
Itzy-alright thank you Rachael see you soon
Rachael-see you soon girls
(They leave Itzy and knock on the Xdinary heroes room)

???-come in
(They all enter)
A/N-XH stands for Xdinary heroes
XH-(bows) hi sir
JYP-hi boys I'd just throughly id pop on with Rachael, Jack and their 6/7th child Joshua and skz joined us
Gun-il-hi we are big fans of you both, we love your music it's really inspiring
Rachael-awe thank you you all are so sweet here
Rachael-so what you are guys practising
Gun-il-it's our new single test me
Rachael-oh yea I've heard that one mr jyp here told me all out you guys cause I'm a big rock music fan
(They all laugh)
JYP-well we better get going so they can practise
Rachael-well I hope he isn't pushing you too hard or tell me and I'll tell him off alright
XH-alright thank you Rachael see you soon
Rachael-see you soon boy
(They leave Xdinary Heros and skz leave to do some filming)
JYP-we better get to signing this contract
Rachael-yea it might be hard as I've got a sleeping baby in my arms
(JYP and Rachael and Jack sign a contract)
JYP-right that's it done JYP is officially in control of your business side of things and getting you promotion deals and adds for both of you
Rachael-(holding a sleeping Joshua) yea

Hope you enjoyed
Also would it be okay if I aged Joshua without aging the other kids and did the whole Joshua, Olivia, Sabrina situation??

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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