Part 22 -Bryce Anxiety

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A/N- this happened way before the previous events

⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING:Anxiety and panic attacks ⚠️⚠️ bare in mind this is a fake story so none of this is real. Also i thought of this randomly and started writing and didn't have ages for the kids but all of them are in school and can talk properly and yes Bryce has comfort items in this it was one of those late night thoughts

Kim and her kids, Khloe and her kids, Kourtney and Travis and their kids, Kylie and her kids, Kris and Corey, Sonny, Hannah, Tayler, Nate, Azra, Aisha, Kelianne, Chase M and his kids, Amelie, Blake, Bryce, Riley, Brittney, Josh, Madison, Nick, Jaden, Nessa, Chase, Charli are all at Rachael and Jack's house to watch more old films

Rachael-so what do you guys wanna watch
Sonny-what have we got
Rachael-we've got Charly 0-18, Tayler 0-18, Kelianne 0-18, Noah 0-18, Bryce 0-18, Brittney 0-18, Madison 0-18, Mads 0-18, Amelie 0-18, Jaden 0-18, Nick 0-18, Chase 0-18, tour vlogs, random vlogs, photoshoot vlogs, music video vlogs, duff fam moments, Robertson gang moments, Beaumont best moments, singing moments, dancing moments, parents embarrassing moments, overprotective parent moments, day in the life vlogs, night routine vlogs, morning routine vlogs, full fam moments, best Rachael drunk moments, best parent son moments, best parent daughter moments, best sibling moments, cute sibling moments, kids mental health moments, Bryce Anxiety, best sway moments, best hype house moments, best triller compound moments, pregnant Rachael, pregnant Hannah, pregnant Honor, Christmas party moments, halloween party moments, birthday party moments, New Years party moments, Easter party moments, party moments, baby shower party moments, wedding moments and finally best fan moments and I'm out of breath now
Hannah-omg the team added the mental health one
Rachael-oh yea
Bryce -why is there a Bryce Anxiety one?
Rachael-umm that's cause that is a special one cause we had to film that one because your anxiety got worse and the doctor wanted how you acted
Brittney-can we watch that one if that's okay with you Bryce
Bryce-yea I'm curious
Rachael-are you sure you're okay with watching it
Rachael-okay prepare yourself cause it ain't pretty

(Clip) Rachael- hello Rachael here, this is a compilation of Bryce's Anxiety moments so trigger warning for the things you are going to see cause it's pretty upsetting content. In this video, you will see Bryce who had just been diagnosed with having social anxiety and panic disorder. The social anxiety means he has found comfort in mainly me and when he's not with me he gets scared so when he's a school he gets scared cause I'm not there or when we go to family gatherings even though Bryce knows them he gets scared when around them. So it means I'm very basic terms is that he gets scared and has an overwhelming fear of being around people or meeting people. The panic disorder means when is social anxiety happens he goes into a panic attack because of it or he goes into an anxiety attack which I believe is worse than a panic attack and he has medication to help both of these now but in these videos, you will see very raw moments of these where we didn't have medication so just a reminder this is very distressing to watch.

(Another clip)
Rachael-so today we are going to a family gathering with my (step) mum, Corey my (step) mums boyfriend, my stepsisters, their partners, their kids and my brother and his kids. We told the kids individually about it and we talked about it and Bryce seemed fine but it's a new day anything can happen speaking about the kids here's Brittney and Madison. Morning girls want breakfast
Madison-yes please mummy
Brittney-yes please mummy
Rachael-right Brittney how do you want your pancakes and do you want syrup and what fruit do you want and what yoghurt do you want
Brittney-umm no cut pancakes and yes please syrup and bananas and strawberries and strawberry yoghurt
Rachael-okay madi how do you want your pancakes and do you want syrup and what fruit do you want and what yoghurt do you want
Madison-up and down yes please syrup, bananas and blueberries and blueberries yoghurt
Rachael-alright coming right up girls
(The girls get their breakfast while Jaden and Chase come down)
Rachael-hi boys how did you sleep
Jaden-good and breakfast?
Rachael-yes Jaden how do you want your pancakes and do you want syrup and what fruit do you want and what yoghurt do you want
Jaden-sideways and yes please  syrup, blueberries and strawberry and strawberry yoghurt
Rachael-okay Chase how do you want your pancakes and do you want syrup what fruit do you want and what yoghurt do you want
Chase-no cut pancakes and yes please syrup, bananas and oranges and strawberry yoghurt
Rachael-alright coming right up
(The boys start eating while Rachael hears Bryce walking down the stairs and she goes to see him and the top of the stairs with his blanket in his hands and his stuffed animal)
Rachael-morning baby, (holds a hand out for him) come downstairs and get breakfast yea
(Bryce walks downstairs and meets Rachael and Rachael talks to him and gets me him breakfast (his blanket and stuffed animal is on the floor))
Rachael-right Bryce want your usual of a sideways cut pancake, no syrup, blueberries and bananas and apricot yoghurt
Rachael-alright come right up baby
(After breakfast Rachael takes Bryce to his room and sets up the camera facing them while Bryce is on Rachael's knee cuddling her)
Rachael-right babes, you know we have the family gathering today
Bryce-uhh (starts getting anxious)
Rachael-(rubs Bryce back) it's okay though, mummy, daddy, your brothers and sisters will be there, uncle sonny, auntie Hannah, tay tay, Keli, and Lillie will be there as well as auntie Kim and her kids, auntie Khloe and her kids, auntie Kyle and her kids, uncle Travis and auntie Kourtney and their kids, granny Kris and uncle Corey will all be their yea so it's okay
Bryce-umm (nods and starts getting panicky)
Rachael-(keeps rubbing Bryce's back) it's okay hunny, I promise, mummy and daddy will be there with you and you can play with Tay Tay
Bryce-uhh umm (nods and the starter signs of an anxiety attack starts)
Rachael-(holds Bryce's hands) hey baby follow mummy's breathing in....hold..2..3..out There we go keep followings mummy's breathing.
Bryce-(the anxiety attack starts)
Rachael-(turns on the TV to Pokémon) hey baby look Pokémon your favourite (shifts Bryce's focus) keep followings mummy's breathing.....there we go, such a brave boy you're doing so well baby...don't worry mummy's here
Bryce-(anxiety attack stops and tears roll down his face)
Rachael-(hugs Bryce) hey you're okay mummy's here, you're such a brave boy you know that. You did good baby I'm so proud of you
Bryce-(calms down and relaxes in Rachael's arms)
Rachael-right let's get you ready uhh
(End of the clip)

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