Chapter 29: Driving

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Demi's POV

The next day we drive for a long time, it feels like its gonna take forever until we reach New Jersey. The drive mainly includes sleeping, singing to the radio, and sometimes talking. The most popular thing in the car seems to be sleeping though, I feel like I'll have enough sleep for a long time now, and its only the second day of driving. Joe's mother says we will have five days of driving at the most, but most likely we will be in this car for four days if we want to get to New Jersey soon. Right now we are in some small town in Missouri, we are going to pull over soon and get some dinner, then continue on. Joe has his arm around me as we drive in silence, his arm around me feels warm and comfortable. He looks down at me and smiles, then continues to look out the window. The lands here are pretty, I'm enjoying seeing all the different states so far, they are all so different. A half an hour later, we go into a town in search of some food. 

" Well lets see, there's a McDonald's, Subway, Wendy's, some place called Al's Diner, and a Taco Bell. What do you kids want? " Joe's mother asks stopping at the light, the town has little traffic luckily. It reminds me of home, slightly small, yet the marketing has taken over the small town feeling. Lots of stores and other such places.

" I don't care much, Al's Diner sounds interesting, but whatever you guys want. " Joe replies looking at the choices on the street. He looks happy even though he shouldn't, he should be angry or sad since he had to leave his family just because of me. Don't get me wrong, I love to see him all happy and smiling. It just doesn't make sense to me. 

" Sounds good to me. " I say not really caring either, i wonder what kind of food Al's Diner has. Joe's mother nods in agreement and then turns into the parking lot of Al's Diner. When we park, we get out and walk into the surprisingly crowded Diner. The place is decorated like the 60's which was really cool, it seemed like a fun place. It has Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles posters everywhere, which sparked my interest. We took a seat in the back in a booth, Joe and I sat next to each other as his mother sat across from us. We look over the menus deciding what we want.

" Hello, welcome to Al's Diner. Can I help you with anything? " A bored waitress asked us when she came over, she keeps her gaze towards Joe batting her eyes not acknowledging Joe's mother or I. I look over at him, he's just staring down at the menu still deciding. She is pretty, would Joe notice her?

" What do you recommend? " Joe's mother asks breaking the waitress's stare from Joe, she looks over at Joe's mother with an irritated look on her face. Wow, what a snob.

" Well we are famous for our Al burger, It's pretty good. " She says  sighing obviously irritated that she had to answer the question. She chews on her gum very loudly making me the irritated one now.

" Ok, I'll take one of those then. And a Diet Coke, thanks. " Joe's mother says as the annoying waitress writes down the order on a small notepad.

" Same here, but with a Sprite instead. " I say wondering what this girl's problem was, man do I hate girls like this. She then wrote my order down and then smiled as her gaze went to Joe.

" And what can I get for you sexy? " She asks changing her mood from irritation to seduction, was this girl for real?

" Um...I'll get the same I guess. " Joe says uncomfortably, he then gently throws his arm up and places it on my shoulder obviously wanting to make things clear. She then glares at me before leaving without a word, Joe starts to chuckle when she's gone from ear shot. 

" Wow. " Joe's mother says rolling her eyes, Joe then looks at me and leans down to kiss me. I can feel the smile on his lips before he releases. He holds me close until she comes back and gives us our food. She doesn't even look directly at us embarrassed, she then storms off before we can say anything. We all laugh and then start to eat our food, the burger is actually really good. When we finish, we get back on the road so we can get our hotel that's a few hours from here. I soon fall asleep on Joe's shoulder making my world pass for a few hours.

Joe's POV

I hold and carry Demi in my arms as I walk into the hotel, my mother and I make our way to our room silently trying to wake Demi. When my mom opens the door to our room, I slowly take Demi to one of the beds nearest to the window. My mom sets down her stuff on the other bed and looks at me telling me she's going to get the rest of our stuff from the truck. I take off my shoes and then lay next to Demi on the bed, surprisingly she stays asleep. She must be really tired from all the driving today. I watch her body as it moves up and down softly from each breath she takes, she's so beautiful it actually hurts. I move some hair that had fell on her face behind her ear, I smile as I see her face clearly now. I feel like I could watch her sleep forever.

" Ready for bed sweetie? " My mother asks startling me, I hand't realized she came back in the room, she gave me an apologetic look when she noticed she had accidentally scared me. I nod my head yes and silently get up from the bed going to my bag to put on some shorts, when i'm done, I walk back to the bed and get the covers to cover Demi and I. I put my arms around her as my mom turns off the light before she crawls into her bed, Demi moves slightly cuddling into me more. I can't help but smile, even though some bad things are going on right now, I couldn't have been more lucky. 

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