Chapter 5 | revealing

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Harry nodded quietly, then they arrived to KFC and had seats. The uncle told Harry : "tell me what would like to eat from that menu" Harry told him: "can i choose anything?!" his uncle said : "yes of course you can choose whatever you want".

Although Harry haven't had an apetit to eat for so long, but he was feeling very hungry at the moment and his mouth was watering "can i get this uncle?" Sounds like a 10 years old child , he pointed to a small sandwich looking at his uncle innocently.

His uncle answered : "yes for sure, anything else?" Harry told him : "no thanks" then his uncle went to order, Harry felt that he should have ordered himself and didn't let his uncle do so.

After about 20 minutes the order was ready and they started eating, Harry liked his sandwich so much. it was very delicious. His uncle asked him : "do you like the food?" Harry told him : "yes, it's delicious... Thank you sir" .

His uncle replied : "stop calling me sir, James... I mean Harry sorry" Harry said :" it's ok i look so much like my father aren't i? " his uncle said :" yeah that's right except.. " " for the eyes yeah they are my mother's" Harry said cutting his uncle.

His uncle starred at him then said : "yeaah... Exactly" quietly. They finished eating and the uncle paid for the food as they got out of the restaurant then looked at Harry and said :" would like to go anywhere? " Harry was shocked, no one ever asked him to hangout with him.

Harry replied : " Oh!... No thanks actually um" his uncle continued : "we should go back home you look tired... But are you full? You just ate half of the small sandwich" Harry told him: "i don't eat much" his stomach became smaller because of the starvation he used to at the Dursley's.

They went back to the hotel by the car and went to their room as well, Harry felt comfortable he sat on his uncle's bed. The bed was very soft and comfy, then both of them changed but the uncle noticed something. Harry has a lot of scars not just the one on his forehead.

He couldn't stop his curiosity as he asked : "Harry... From where did you get all these scars ?!" Harry's eyes widened with an expression of shock on his face then bellowed : "each one has a story..." he sat beside his uncle on the bed and pointed to his chest in the middle of it in particular

Then continued : "i got this when i wore the horcrux locket and it stuck on my skin and burned it" his uncle doesn't understand what's the horcrux but whatever, it seems painful he look concerned . Harry pointed to his forearm and said : "i got a bite from Nagini... A huge snack but my friend helped me with a healer"

His uncle bellowed : " WHAT!! all this holes is a snack bite!! How could you bare this!!" Harry replied : "i had to.." then he pointed to his right hand *i must not tell lies* and said : "there was a time the ministry sent a professor to Hogwarts but she had a target... Making my life a hell, she made me carve those words on my hand every night for 3 weeks til it became a permanent scar" .

His uncle was shocked! Very shocked at the moment then said : " oh my god! This is horrible!! Hogwarts supposed to be the safest place !! Not a place to torture the students!! Whatever you did to her she shall never done something like this to you!! This is torture!!" then harry said quietly : "i didn't give her the satisfaction.. I didn't show my pain... And this is what made her keep cutting up my hand every night for 8 hours straight"

His uncle was in more shock replied : " 8 HOURS!! SHE WAS CUTTING YOUR HAND FOR 8 HOURS ADAY!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T SHOW YOUR PAIN!! ...honestly Harry i think Hogwarts wasn't the best place for you"

Harry bellowed : " HOGWARTS IS MY HOME! Whatever happens to me there i love Hogwarts and i will fight for it's name... Til i die" his uncle said : " i love your bravery Harry... Like your father exactly" smiling. Harry smiled and contined :" uhh i got this from... " a dark memory came across his mind.

There was a day when he was 12 years old, his aunt Marge (he was forced to call her aunt) came for a visit. When she came he was sitting on the sofa eating a piece of toast with a peanut butter on it in peace. She took the plate from his hands while he gave her a dirty look, she grabbed his arm and threw him to the kitchen yelling : "MAKE BREAFAST FOR US, YOU LITTLE BURDEN!" .

Harry couldn't control himself : "at least i didn't force someone to feed me in his house without his acceptance" with a sassy look on his face.

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