Chapter 1| A relief

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        After the war has ended , Harry was feeling guilty for every soul he had lost . It was all because of him  felt Harry , The Weasleys became his new family , he moved out to the Burrow. where he found love and admiration where he found his true love , his new life .

But there was something making him feel as though his heart is being pierced with a couple of hot white knives, when he sees George without a smile on his face .

George who was the source of happiness with his jocks along with Fred , they were unforgettable , remarkable together . Fred's death was dreadful for the whole family . George lost his happiness forever , lost a part of himself in the war .

When Harry remembers all that , that makes him feel broken inside he didn't want to lose anyone but this is war and there's no war without victims at least they made it finally . The peace will come again and the bright sunshine to their lives ... but not Harry's life .

The nightmares were chasing him all the nights , he woke up sweating and breathing heavily with a terrible pain in his chest , he couldn't sleep for weeks that made him looks exhausted most of the time he couldn't eat much either.

He thought that maybe if he left the Burrow and went back to Little Whinging that would be better for him , maybe he would stop seeing Fred's ghost in every part of the house or mistakenly call George by Fred .

He told the Weasleys that he will go back to Little Whinging and he will be back soon . He prepared his stuff , getting ready to leave . Ginny looked miserable, when he was passing by she
Took his hand and forced him to stay

telling him : "Harry ... why C-couldn't you spend one more night with us? You are not looking okay i'm scared for you .. i mean you can't be alone these days"  he told her : " don't worry i will be okay , i won't  be late just few days and i will come back ...i'll miss you very much take care of yourself , i'll send you my patronus very soon" then she touched his cheek and kissed his lips

He packed his stuff and got ready to disaparrate to Little Whinging after he said goodbye to the Weasleys , hugged Ron , hermione and Mrs/Mr

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He packed his stuff and got ready to disaparrate to Little Whinging after he said goodbye to the Weasleys , hugged Ron , hermione and Mrs/Mr. Weasley .

He disaparrated to Little Whinging , he was looking around if anyone saw him or anyone could remember him but he found no one . Privet drive was very quiet and still .

He finally arrived to 4 Privet drive and looked around once again to make sure no one is watching him then he picked up his wand , pointed it to the door and muttered "Alohamora!" the door opened so he packed his stuff in , pointed his wand tip to the door once more and muttered "Colloportus!" the door was locked .

He took a look at the dusty house the place where he spent his boring abusive childhood . There was no furniture not even a single chair or a cup he tried to conjure a chair and it worked successfully. He sat on the chair and took a deep breath full of dust it hurt his nostrils anyways .

He took his stuff up to his tiny bedroom with the levitation charm then he muttered "Scourgify" the room was cleaned , he didn't want to put his stuff everywhere he wasn't going to stay for too long so everything was still in it's place : his clothes , few books , his invisibility cloak and a photo he took with Ginny at the Burrow .

He already missed her , he didn't want to leave her but he was searching for a relief maybe his move would change anything at least he would feel better when he stops seeing George's misery . He opened the window and starred at the dark blue sky , the bright stars and it's shining moon for a few minutes then he remembered that he must get himself secured .

He got out of the house and start casting protective enchantments that they used to cast on their campsite then he got into the house and muttered "Expecto Patronum!" a silver shining stag appeared from his wand tip gamboling around him and running everywhere making the place warm and shining.

He got out of the house and start casting protective enchantments that they used to cast on their campsite then he got into the house and muttered "Expecto Patronum!" a silver shining stag appeared from his wand tip gamboling around him and runnin...

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He sent it to the Weasleys to tell them that he is Ok , completely secured , safe and he is now at 4 Privet Drive. He didn't want to eat anything so he sat on his bed , took off his glasses , putted it on the table and was ready to sleep finally .

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