Mission/Auror Harry

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"Hello there Mr Potter" said a man with a long brown hair his features weren't clear since the room was dark, Harry found himself tied up tightly to a chair, the ropes were pulling back his shoulders and his elbows were bound together. His head was pounding . The last thing he could remember that something hit him hard on his head. His hands were bound behind his back and his legs were tied as well. "Who are you ?!" Asked Harry with a weak voice.

"Does it really matter to you?" Asked the man"How did i get here?" Asked Harry"I'll tell you , when you were fighting my warriors and because you are so stupid one of them hit you on your head and of course you passed out so i brought you here for...

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"Does it really matter to you?" Asked the man
"How did i get here?" Asked Harry
"I'll tell you , when you were fighting my warriors and because you are so stupid one of them hit you on your head and of course you passed out so i brought you here for interrogation" said the man getting closer to Harry.

"You call them warriors? Now that seems funny" said Harry sarcastically
"Listen ! You must tell me where is the minister of magic right now!"said the man
"Or what?" Asked Harry mockingly
"I'll torture you to madness or death if you are so lucky" said the man
"Oh sure , my corpse may lead you to the minister of magic then" Said Harry.

The man hit him across the face hardly , Harry laughed at him mockingly while his nose was bleeding by the force of the hit.
"For the last time Potter , where is the minister?" said the man.
"Why do you want to go to him may i ask?" Asked Harry raising his eyebrows.
"This is none of your business" said the man.
"Okay fine ... i won't tell you anything and by the way , i know where he is"said Harry.

"You are so brave i see" said the man , pulling his wand out of his pocket . Harry's heart  started to pound hard in his chest . He just wanted to look at Ginny's eyes for the last time. He kept imagining her in his head til "CRUCIO !" Bellowed the man and Harry felt his bones on fire , his scream echoed through the room . He couldn't bear it.

"Now ... let's try again , where is the minister?" Said the man , Harry who was breathing heavily and his whole body was shaking. He spat on the man's face a mixture of blood and mucus.
"That's my answer" said Harry , the man who seemed extremely angry
"CRUCIO !" Bellowed the man.

This time Harry felt a sharp hot knives cutting through his skin , he screamed once again . Few tears were falling upon his face , he wasn't crying but it was from the intensity of the pain.
"Would you like to say anything else?" Asked the man
"No" said Harry shortly with a weak voice.

"CRUCIO !" Bellowed the man for the third time and Harry was screaming in agony.
"CRUCIO !" Bellowed the man again and Harry whose body is in extreme pain screamed again . His throat didn't have enough voice.

"Why are you so cruel on yourself?" Asked the man coldly but Harry couldn't answer , he couldn't even move a muscle. His body was shaking uncontrollably. Since he was tied , he had problem in breathing. All he was thinking about right now is death. "I'll give you some rest" said the man and left him in the small dark room.

Harry always had a spare wand (Draco's previous wand) he put it in his sleeve . He Prayed to get it out of his sleeve successfully, but he couldn't. His hands were shaking so he gave up . A few minutes later the man came back to the room and walked towards Harry but this time he was holding a knife in his hand.

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