Chapter 10

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Isobel's P. O. V:

I sit in the corner of Pegasus's empty stall the next day in a short sleeved v collar rib knit purple shirt and purple jodhpurs, my hair in a braid with a set of rainbow jewellery.

I sit in the corner of Pegasus's empty stall the next day in a short sleeved v collar rib knit purple shirt and purple jodhpurs, my hair in a braid with a set of rainbow jewellery

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Mum comes in and kneels beside me as dad lingers in the doorway

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Mum comes in and kneels beside me as dad lingers in the doorway. She puts her hand on my shoulder as she says, "Don't worry, honey. Wherever Pegasus is, he'll be okay. In fact, if I know that horse, he's no doubt charging right on back home to you right now."

I sniffle as I say, "I feel like I just got Pegasus back, only for him to be stolen from me."

"We will get him back, sweetheart," Dad promises as mum pulls me against her chest in a hug. "I promise you, no matter what."

I nod while sniffling, wishing that Pin was here. Dad never breaks a promise, like myself. We remain like this until we hear Jade from behind dad.

"Oh, hi, Mr. Lund. Um, Derek's here. We need to go." I finally look up to see the ravenette in the doorway, sympathy on her face. "You doing alright, Izzy?"

I nod as Becky and Zoe also appear. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about Pegasus. He's probably given the thieves a good beat down and is driving the truck back with Raven as we speak," Becky says in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Come on, sweetheart," Mum says, rubbing my shoulders as we get to our feet. Mum keeps her arm around my shoulders as we join up with the others outside of Sam's office. Howard and his parents are also here.

Sam asks Zoe and I, "Are you alright?" Zoe and I just nod silently as mum tightens her arm around me.

"No—no, I'm not alright! Now, I've had two horses stolen," Mia says tersely, glaring.

"We're all upset. It's awful," Says Sam.

"Daddy's absolutely livid," Mia says as Susie nods in agreement. "He has a good mind to sue the stables."

"That's not going to help bring Raven or Pegasus home, is it?" Zoe asks.

"What's it to you? He's my and Izzy's horse!"

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