Chapter 3

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AUDITION POSTERS HUNG IN every bare wall and locker of Winter Bay, made by a hired designer. Scarlet stared at the overdramatic display of Romeo and Juliet from a random rendition as they stared at each other with extreme longing. Big bold letters called out students to try out for a part to play that same evening at Zion Auditorium.

Scarlet scoffed as she made her way to her locker. The stupid play plagued her life, and she wasn't sure when she would know peace. She continued to reel after being forced to volunteer, but she accepted her terrible fate.

She just wished she didn't need to be reminded at every waking moment of her life.

"Well, hello, Juliet," Sierra Jenkins said, leaning against the locker beside hers. Her best friend wore her dark hair down her shoulders in a messy, frizzy cascade that only worked for her. Her murky green eyes flashed with mischief. "Today's the day, huh?"

"Don't even remind me," Scarlet groaned. "Not only am I going to have to deal with Stanford, but all those Preppies too."

Sierra laughed as Scarlet slammed her locker shut after retrieving her books. "Maybe it won't be that bad. You'll watch everyone audition, right?"

Scarlet pondered the idea of seeing so many people making a complete fool of themselves. Traumatic high school memories would unfold before her.

"Maybe I can make this tragedy into a comedy," she joked. Sierra grinned and hooked her arm with hers as they walked towards their next period.

Teenagers filled the hallways. A few sulked like they were dead inside. Others looked like they flew through the sky. While a select group, alert and at the ready, stared at everyone like they were corpses, and they were vultures. Leading the flock was none other than Lindsey Donahue.

She paraded down the halls in her Gucci shoes and shiny Versace skirt. The girl was loaded, and she was never afraid to show it. She swished her platinum blonde hair to the side, her diamond earrings sparkling in the dimmed lighting.

Stuck to her side was who Scarlet referred to as The Puppet. Flora Min was a gorgeous Korean girl with monolid eyes and a short bouncy bob. She garnered the attention of many. In front of Lindsey, she clothed herself with vulture wings and aided in the devouring of corpses. But when the queen of the vultures was nowhere to be found, Flora shrugged off her fake wings and became a docile dove.

Sierra mumbled incoherent words as both Lindsey and Flora scoffed at them as they passed by. Behind them trailed the male athletes of Winter Bay, who tried to appear tough and in charge, though they were anything but.

"I can't wait until college," Scarlet said. "None of this drama will be allowed. Or I hope not."

Sierra took a deep breath. "College already sounds heavenly. Away from all of the crap in this town."

"Amen, sister, amen."

They both took a right turn to another hall. More students walked into classrooms with their heads low. The stuffy air around them made the scene much more depressing. From a random classroom, Aura Chandler sauntered out, holding a lipgloss and a tampon in one hand.

"Hey, guys!" Her bright smile shone against her medium tan skin. "Scar, you auditioning tonight, right?"

Scarlet flipped her off as she cackled into the bathroom.

"It would be hilarious if you auditioned for Juliet," Sierra piped up. Scarlet rolled her eyes. She refused to lower herself to that level. She had dignity, unlike most of the students in Winter Bay.

"Please, I'd much rather be the balcony in which she professes her supposedly undying love."

Sierra laughed as they found their classroom, nodding towards their History teacher before making their way to the back. Elliot sent a smile her way paired with a glassy look from the other side of the room, and she reciprocated before turning to the whiteboard littered in new bright red announcements.

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