Chapter 28

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THE DAY OF HER eighteenth birthday, Scarlet woke up to a cake delivered to their front door. Although she begged her mother not to make a big deal out of it, her mother shrugged her off.

"This is our cheat day," her mother said, handing her a slice for breakfast. "We need to celebrate that eighteen years ago, on the evening of March twenty-sixth, I pushed you out."

"Nutritionists everywhere are judging you," Scarlet teased, but accepted the piece. "And congratulations for birthing all of this, I guess."

They shared a laugh and ate in silence, taking in the new day as the animals began to chirp and dance around in the morning dew. Sunny California promised a good birthday as she went out that Friday to her school, wishing that the afternoon could roll out faster.

Where once Scarlet detested Fridays, now she anxiously waited for the day to come. Rather than taking the long way as she accustomed to do, she took the fastest route to get to rehearsals. She passed by other classmates of hers on the way, speeding into Zion Auditorium's parking lot.

Not even Sierra had arrived yet, although she had said she wanted to pick up a few things before rehearsal. She promised to be there before Ms. Stanford could start huffing and puffing.

Scarlet jumped out of her car, closing the door behind her and making her way to the entrance. Mr. Williams arrived with a tray of coffee before nodding at her in greeting. The glint of recognition in his eyes reminded her of when he tried to convince her to audition to play Juliet.

A fine offer had she not despised acting. She wondered if she would have gotten the part had she auditioned for the role. She would be acting alongside Jake for the whole town to see.

He turned the key to the auditorium doors, pushing with his whole body to open up the entrance. Lingering students followed him inside—early arrivers who liked to set up before everyone could get there. Scarlet surged forward herself when her name was yelled from afar.

"Scarlet, wait!"

She frowned as Elliot ran towards her.

"Please, Scarlet, I need to speak with you," Elliot begged. Scarlet stepped away from him, nearing one of the potted trees that decorated the auditorium entrance.

"What do you want, Elliot?" she asked. His amber eyes, wide and intense, gazed into her with such force, she feared to look away. He stepped closer, walking straight into her safety bubble as his height towered over hers. She narrowed her eyes.

"You're making a huge mistake," he started, voice shaking. Scarlet could only stare as he went on a spiel on how she made bad choices in her life. She backed up until the potted tree stopped her from going any further. "You don't even realize that he's using you, Scarlet. You're stuck in his web, trapped, and you don't see it. How can you be so blind?"

Students from both Lexton and Winter Bay slowed down to watch Elliot's speech of her grand mistakes, but quickly went inside the auditorium, away from the drama. She wished she had the luxury to move on with her life like that.

"Scarlet, you're such a wonderful person. You're more than you even think for yourself." Elliot stopped to lean in closer, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I hate to see you fall like this. Please, listen to me. I'm trying to help. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Something burned inside of Scarlet. Anger perhaps, or maybe even a challenge. His fingers pressed onto her skin, and this time his touch wasn't tantalizing, it was almost demanding. Sierra came to mind and her weird feeling about Elliot.

She shoved him away.

"Scarlet?" His tone rose, but she stormed off. "Scarlet, listen to me."

Her hands reached for the auditorium doors when he pushed her to the side. Her boots skidded across the pavement, gripping enough to stop her from losing her balance. Scarlet shielded herself with her arms, but that troubled Elliot more.

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