Chapter 7

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THE NEXT WEEK, SCARLET strolled up to Zion Auditorium with a slow step. Students lined up by the doors as the teachers unlocked the entrance, promising everyone that they would know the official cast for the play in a few moments.

Entering the auditorium, the vast space startled her as if she was seeing it for the first time. Its high ceilings made her feel minuscule. The perfectly plush velvet seats garnered most of the attention until the stage lights switched on. A haunting stillness, like holding in a breath in fear, presented itself center stage. The absence of an actor was deafening.

Silence fell over the crowd as Ms. Stanford and Mr. Williams cleared their throats and began to introduce the evening's plans.

"I know you're probably wondering who got what part," Mr. Williams said. A few girls said yes, which made Scarlet snort. "The sheet is taped to the stage."

Both Mr. Williams and Ms. Stanford could barely say anything else as everyone who auditioned rushed to the illuminated stage. Scarlet pressed her hand over her mouth as she saw both Lindsey and Flora shoving people to the side. She wished she could've recorded the spectacle and sent it to her friends.

Forget the play, this was the real show.

"So what are your predictions?" asked Elliot. Scarlet jumped, nearly knocking into one of the audience seats. He had come out of nowhere, creeping up behind her carefully, then acted like he was there all along. After flashing that crooked grin of his, her thoughts scattered as her cheeks flushed.

"Predictions for?"

"The cast, obviously," he said, pointing to the flock of people looking for their name on that taped sheet of paper.

Scarlet studied the group as many squealed and others slumped their shoulders. She spotted a familiar head of light brown hair and found herself biting her lips.

"Um... you know, I think that Jake guy might have a part."

Those blue eyes were hard to shake out of her head, paired with the captivating performance he gave on the evening of the auditions, Scarlet would not be surprised if he was chosen to act in the play. He had the acting ability, the looks, and the charisma to be up on stage.

If anyone asked her, she would never dare admit all of that, but it was the truth. The Preppy had talent to be up on stage, even if the Shakespearean old English drove her mad.

"Jake, huh?" Elliot crossed his arms over his chest. "He's the one that auditioned for Romeo and got interrupted, right?"

Scarlet thought back to his audition and nodded. She recalled sitting backstage, mesmerized by his performance. Even she was shocked when Mr. Williams cut him off.

"Not like I care anyway," she sighed, wanting to forget about everything. "Sorry, I always forget you like all of this." She bit back a groan. The last thing she wanted was to shit on something a person was passionate about. It was the worst feeling, and she didn't want someone to feel bad over her comments.

But she couldn't help it. The auditorium only reminded her of her circumstances and how she wanted to be at home rather than surrounded by Preppies and her peers from Winter Bay for a stupid play.

Elliot chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Scarlet. I know you find this all unfair, and I kinda agree with you. No one should be forced to be here." He held her gaze for a second too long before she stepped back, breathing in deeply.

"I got the part!" Lindsey smirked at all the girls that surrounded her. "Look at your Juliet, everyone!"

Scarlet spied how so many girls sneered in Lindsey's direction, which she seemed to enjoy by the glint in her blue eyes. Lindsey wore a big grin as she pushed people out of her way as she found Flora to gush about her glossy new part.

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