Dead Air

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Edward opened the door onto the back patio and saw Matt guarding something behind him. The red lights from the exhibit lit up their outlines as the stars began to get covered by the clouds of an impending storm. He stepped closer to Matt, and Matt stepped back.
"I know you're back there Amanda. Just come on out."
"Who's Amanda? I'm just trying to enjoy the exhibit, and then you came out and messed up the ambiance."
"I know who you are Matt. I've seen you hanging out with Amanda occasionally. Just let Amanda come out."
Matt stood still, not moving. Edward took a step closer.
"Listen, Amanda. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Do you understand?"
A small "Yes." came from behind Matt.
"Ok, then I'll ask you this only once. Will you come back with me to your family, or will you stay with this... Hoodlum?"
Amanda stepped out from behind Matt, and he turned to her with a confused look on his face. She shook her head and stepped out.
"I guess that'll be a yes."
"Not necessarily. I'd like to say one thing before I answer you. In fact, I'm surprised I'm even talk to you considering what you've done. First off, Matt is not a 'hoodlum', he is kind and caring and the most amazing thoughtful guy ever and I love him. Next, I don't want to come with you, or have anything to do with my family ever again. You've lost your chance to have a kid a long time I ago, and you just lost your niece too."
"I don't care what you think you little rat, you're coming with me."
Edward grabbed her arm and tried dragging her away, but Matt tackled him. Then, out of the blue, Amanda whipped out a small knife and stabbed him in the chest.
"You shouldn't have given me those self-defense classes if you didn't want me to use them."
Amanda dropped the knife into the reflecting pool behind the artwork and walked off, with a stunned Matt following behind her. Edward lay on the ground, surrounded by a slowly growing puddle of blood.


When Matt and Amanda were back in the car, driving quickly away from the body, Matt finally asked,
"Why did you do that? How did you know to do that?"
Amanda sighed and pushed her hair out of her face with her fingers.
"When I was 9, my uncle decided it was proper time I knew how to defend myself. My whole family has been trying to get me prepared to run for President to make up for the embarrassment my grandfather faced when he ran and completely failed. So, he decided to teach me and I learned everything from basic defense to a killing blow, if the situational required it."
"So... You're basically an assassin?"
"No. Just a well trained, non-military involved teenage girl I guess."
"Dang. I never knew that."
"Yeah. I don't like talking about it much... So where to next?"

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