Chapter 13

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Skylar pov

After we had to leave because I broke a window with my non experience with mini golfing and it was 1am, Michael took off with Shan in his car while im with Calum in his.

"I cant believe you trashed that window" he says laughing
"Its not my fault!! You put an ice cube down my shirt"
"You still did it" he laughs and pokes my cheek

"The football game is tomorrow" he adds on and I look at him smiling
"And you want me to go watch?"
"Im going to go watch anyways" I sing loudly making us laugh

"Calm down Belle" he mumbles in a low voice; We laugh again and he turns on the radio and goes back to focusing on the road.

"Why do you like being with me? Were different" I ask looking down at my hands

"Differences" he whispers driving
"We have differences. That makes us whole when were together" he smiles and I blush looking down at my hands

There was a silence for about ten minuets, the only sounds heard was the rain hitting the windows, and the thunder. I look out the window seeing my house as he parks his car.

"Here you are..." Calum mumbles slightly looking at me
"Can you stay with me..?" I ask

"Im scared of thunder..and im home alone" I look down embarrassed
"Ill stay babygirl" he whispers and gets out the car

I get out the car and see him next to me wrapping his arms around me securely. We walk to my door and I unlock it. Calum picks me up and runs upstairs holding me

"Calum stop!!" I yell laughing
"Hush" he says and lays us on the bed







Shan pov

Michael offered me to stay over at his house so when we were at the front of my house, I grabbed some clothes and we drove off to his house. He lives alone so I mean thats good.

I don't even know if he has the same feelings as I do to him. What if he is playing some sick trick on me. I like him a lot but he doesn't date.

"Shannnnn" Michael says poking me
"What?" I ask taking myself out of my thoughts

"I asked if you wanna cuddle?" He says blushing a bit and turns over on his bed looking at me

"Oh yeah I do" I giggle and lay next to him
"You look hot in my shirt by the way" he whispers in my ear.

I blush at his words and he wraps his arms around me. I glance up at him and lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Goodnight baby" he whispers
"Goodnight..babe" I felt weird saying babe afterwards but it felt..right?



*Next day at the football game*



"Skylar we need to get to the game, hurry up!!" Shan says banging on my bathroom door
"Hush im almost done" I say quietly, more focused on the makeup im doing

Its not a lot of makeup but im just putting on eyeliner and mascara. I don't wear makeup a lot but I just felt like it was necessary for this event. I fix my shorts and batman crop top before grabbing my phone and walking out.

I look over at Shan who is wearing a smurfs crop top and blue shorts. She grabs my hand and drags us downstairs to my car and I laugh

"Calm the fuck down Shan we will make it"
"I wanna sit in the front so I can see Michael" she whines and I put my hands up in defense and we get in the car.


When me and Shan sat down, loud music started blasting around us. Cheerleaders ran out onto the field and started doing their routine.

"I thought you were in that?" Shan yells through the music
"Calum didn't want me to wear the uniform so I quit!!" I reply and she nods

The cheerleaders run off the field and both teams walk out, everyone cheering and booing

"OHMYGOSH ITS MICHAEL" Shan screams and Michael looks over at her and winks

"I cant see Calummm" I mumble but she doesn't hear me

After everyone lines up in positions I see Calum and I shake Shan
"CALM SKY. CALM" She says laughing



While me and Shan are walking towards the parking lot two guys walk over to us smirking and I look at Shan and reach for my phone

"What you lovely ladies up to?" One guy asks standing in front of Shan
"We were going to our car" I say grabbing my phone and the other guy takes it

"Who were you gonna call?" He asks and grabs my wrist tight
"That h-hurts" I mumble wincing a bit

"Are you her friend?" He asks Shan and she nods
"Take 100 feet away from my woman" Michael says pushing one of the guys away from Shan

"Aye" a voice echoes behind me and the next thing I see is Calum punching the guy who was holding my wrist

I hold my wrist and start walking to my car







Shan pov

After Michael did that I stood where I was shocked. He stood up for He leaned in and kissed me smiling

"You guys stood up for these nerds?" A guy asks holding his bloody nose
"They may be nerds, but our nerds" Michael and Calum say at the same time

"Come home with me baby" michael whispers in my ear and I nod slowly

He picks me up and takes us to his car while kissing my neck smiling.













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