Chapter 21

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Skylar pov

"Wow.." is all I said as I walked through the front door first
"Yeah.." Shan mumbles walking in
"We just.." Calum adds
"Graduated High School" Michael finishes

We all starred at each other for a good five minuets, letting the events of today sink in.

"ITS SUMMER" We all shout and I run upstairs, noticing Shan and Michael hugging

I reach my door handle but get pulled away and pinned to the wall, my wrists above my head. I look up to see Calum smirking at me. He holds my wrists above my head against the wall while his other hand strokes my cheeks, making me blush.

"Theres a party tonight baby. Its a college party" he starts and kisses my neck,"and were going" he brings his lips to mine and pulls away smirking

"O-Okay" I whisper and walk into my room with Calum

I walk to my dresser and grab shorts and Calums black shirt. I fake cough and he looks at me.

"Turn around" he shakes his head and I cross my arms over my chest
"Your body is mine. So I don't have to look away" I sigh and take off my dress

"You give me headaches sometimes" I mumble while putting on my shorts
"The good kind?" He asks, laying on my bed
"Is there ever a good kind?" I ask back and laugh, putting on his shirt









At The Party(Third pov)

"GUYS THIS IS AWESOME" Michael shouts over the music
"WHERE ARE THE GIRLS?" Calum half yells half asks and Michael shrugs

"I think you two had enough" a boy asks handing Skylar and Shan another shot of cherry vodka
"Shush" Sky mumbles

Shan bursts into a fit of giggles while looking at her hands, passed drunk. The girls got to the party when it started but decided to drink until the boys arrived.

"Hey look its Michael and Calum" Skylar says and grabs Shans hand, pulling her towards them


"Aye Calum babyyyy" Skylar slurs tumbling onto him
"Hey-are you drunk?" Calum asks a bit surprised
"No im Skylar" she giggles and he sighs

Michael is holding Shan up as she laughs, hiccuping every once in awhile. Calum sighs and laughs at her. He walks them over to Michael and Shan who are giggling.

"I think theyre drunk" Calum yells through the music
"Lets play beer pong!!" Skylar yells and Shan smiles, the girls grabbing Calums and Michaels hand, dragging them towards the crowd in the kitchen

"ALRIGHT WHOS READY FOR SUMMER?!" The DJ yells into the microphone and the whole house is filled with cheers and whistles

"BRING ON THE BEER" A boy shouts while running around naked, paint splattered all over him

After all the teenagers dance and drink their asses off, music blasting, drunk people fighting in the front yard, people swimming with glow sticks, time went by and Shan, Michael, Calum and Sky left the party to only end up driving for hours.

"Guys I don't think we live this far.." Shan says rubbing her head, as she shuffles in the passenger seat
"Michael do you even know where you're driving?" Calum asks as he hands Sky a coffee to sober up

"Yeah the GPS says we live off of Freeway 710" he rubs his nose as he drives
"We live off of Freeway 107." Skylar exclaims sitting up slowly

"Its still dark out, I couldn't see that good" Michael says glancing at the signs along the rode
"MICHAEL...ARE WE LOST?" Shans voice gets louder as she panics

"Not lost. Psh" he mumbles gripping the steering wheel slightly,"just somewhere where we dont know" he shrugs as she facepalms at him

"Maybe if we keep driving a bit further we'll find something that can help us get off this freeway" Calum says trying to cheer up the mood
"What time is it?" Sky asks

She groans and lays across the backseat, laying in Calums lap. Shan rubs her forehead as she goes on her phone. Michael glances at her and focuses back onto the road. Calum looks out the window while playing with Skylars hair.

"Who even gets us lost with a GPS" Shan mumbles to herself and Michael glances at her
"I was intoxicated Shan. Im sorry" he sighs and she looks out the window
"Its fine. At least its summer break"

A police officer on his motorcycle turns on his light and they all groan, Michael pulling over.

"Guys my head hurts" Sky mumbles, sitting up and leaning against Calum
"Go to sleep then. Shan can you get the car charger from my side door?" michael asks and Shan nods leaning over his lap, as he pulls onto the side of the road

The police officer parks in front of us, pointing his flashlight into the windshield. Shan sits up and looks up, to see the officers eyes widen. She blushes as Calum and Sky burst out laughing

"Shut up" Michael and Shan say at the same time

The officer walks over to the window and taps on it. Michael rolls down the window slowly, giving him a sheepishly smile.

"Do you realize how fast you were going?" He asks and they all shake their heads
"No sir" Michael says avoiding eye contact
"Can I see your divers license" the officer says grabbing his notepad

Michael nods and reaches in his pocket, grabbing his wallet handing the officer his drivers license. The officer takes it and reads over it.

"You guys are far from home" he exclaims, kneeling down looking into the window









It sucks but okay

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