Chapter 4

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[you guys already know its Sky so like yeah]


"He poked you?" Shan asks as we get in my car
"Yeah. With his darn pencil too" I start the car and pull out the parking lot towards the freeway
"Wait where are we going?" She asks
"I know this fancy Starbucks its amazing" and we laugh

I turn the radio on and we sing to random songs on the radio dancing like weirdos



We have been waiting in line at Starbucks for five minutes and I ask Shan to order for me so I can go use the bathroom.

I push open the doors and walk over to the sink. My eyes focus on the the bracletts on my wrists. Biting the inside of my cheek a girl walks out a stall and looks at me.

"You okay?" She asks washing her hands
"Y-Yeah just a headache"she nods and walks out

"God I promised myself I wouldn't do it ever again..." I whisper to myself and wash my hands

As im washing my hands I start thinking of my past again

How my dad would argue with my mum when I was barely in middle school. He would leave all night and come home passed drunk and would yell at her and break stuff.

I didn't know what was going on but my dad started to scare my mum and I so much that it got to the point to where I ended up cutting. His violent actions and his voice. It scared the fuck out of me and it just clicks when anyone yells or breaks something..

Then when I would cut I couldn't feel anything, making it better when he came home. It became a habit and I stopped for my mums sake.

The door opens and I turn towards it seeing Shan

"Our order is ready" she says and I nod then her head disappears to get our coffee

I take one last look in the mirror taking in all my features and shake my head

"Piece of shit" I mumble and turn off the water, walking out the bathroom.

I walk over to Shan and grab my coffee

"Thanks" she smiles and we walk out to my car drinking our coffee.




While I drive back to the school she sighs and looks at me.

"Everything alright?" I ask and she shrugs
"Why were you in the bathroom for so long?" She asks and my body stiffens a bit, my hands gripping the wheel.

What can I even tell her? She probably wont understand what he did. I shrug back thinking of a lie to say to her so she doesn't worry about me.

"I was fixing my hair" she nods and looks out the window as I pull into the school parking lot.

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