Chapter six: the between

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Ringing was the first thing Percy/Kadri heard, which confused him.

He knew that going into the underworld as a passed being would be different.

But Thanatos never mentioned ringing in the ears.

Quiet frankly, he felt heavy compared to light-headedness.

Like something was supergluing him to the ground.

And then he heard voices.

Some loud, some soft.

But most of them distorted, unable to comprehend what they were saying. 

Crystal clear, but not clear enough to understand.

Another thing he noticed is that his pain was gone.

'Thank the Gods' he thought, relieved.

He hated the constant pain for multiple days straight.

It was almost worse than going to Tartarus.

'It's probably because I had to hide it too' Kadri concluded, making him sigh.

His friends.

Well, they were his friends.

He doesn't know what they feel about him now.

Especially since he hid a curse which was killing all of them slowly.

Kadri realises he should have disobeyed his father, taken the risk to tell his friends.

And then together they have been able to work it out...and maybe even survive.

Yes, Chaos might have known, but at lest they are aware of the situation. 

At lest Kadri didn't have to lie to his own friends.

Kadri knew his black surrounding meant he was getting delivered to the underworld. 

Or he's trapped somewhere.

Kadri has never experienced death, but he was pretty sure this wasn't how it goes.

"Indeed you are right"

Kadri recognised that voice  immediately.

It made the hairs on his arms stick up, uncomfortable. 

'What is she doing here' Kadri asked, unable to speak.

"I forgot you cannot speak in this realm, only myself and father can" the voice said, flattering in mention of the father "I know you hate me, but let me explain why you are here"

Kadri , unable to do anything, just listened.

"I know we had our troubles, and I know I betrayed you. But for now push that aside" the feminine voice said "You're in someplace called the 'between'; the place between life and death. An endless abyss where souls stay if they are undetermined in either the afterlife or in the physical realm"

'How would I get out?' Kadri thought to himself.

"You cannot control when you leave or not I'm afraid" the voice replied "The fates control what happens next"

Silence came, Kadri awkwardly sighing. 

'So I'm stuck here for who knows how long?' Kadri thought, knowing the female can read his thoughts 'How can I get here in the first place? I thought I died to Chaos' curse'

Kadri can feel the female's tense energy.

"You aren't live nor dead, you're in-between that" the female replied "Beings in the universe come here for various reasons; they weren't meant to die, have unresolved mission and turn into a spirit, they are in a coma...or in a strange case like yours, fate is undetermined"

'So I wait here?' Kadri thought 'I'll be bored out my mind!'

The female chuckled.

"I know you will be Kadri" the female said "But fear not, I sense a change in the realm...and it might be for you"

Kadri hummed.

"I know you cannot forgive me, and this might seem like nothing to you but I'm sorry Kadri" the female voice said softly.

Kadri stayed silent.

"I never knew about Chaos know, until after I met you. I have met him in the past, like I met Luke before" the female continued "I thought I was doing right by him, making him proud...but I ended up hurting people in aim to get there. I didn't realise that until after Luke killed me how my decisions impacted everything"

The female voice sighed.

"I know it does not mean forgiveness, but I wanted you to know that I do regret my actions" the female voice finished. 

Kadri knew it was meaningful, he can tell by their voice.

'I can't forgive you, not yet. But I'm glad you realised your truth...Beatrice' Kadri thought.

Beatrice chuckled.

"Well when you're in here, you have a lot of time to think" Beatrice said.


The sudden noise made Kadri and Beatrice make a noise due to it startling them.

Beatrice chuckled softly.

"I was right, you are being brought back" Beatrice said, her voice getting fainter and fainter "I wish you well in life Kadri"

Kadri felt like his body jolted, like it was flying in the air, almost making him lose conscious.

He couldn't help but gasp slightly at the freefalling-like feeling in the dark.

He never really liked it since Tartarus. 

His breathing got heavier as the heavy which was pushing him down faded.

He closed his eyes in the darkness, yelling as he waited for the impact.

He felt himself crash through something.

Something like glass.

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