Chapter 2

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Tubbo and Tommy walked out of the bathroom, both slightly confused, however they were trying to forget about it and move on. 

"TOM-TOM!" They heard from down the corridor and they saw a small child, about 4 or 5, running down the corridor towards Tommy, knocking him to the ground. 

"Hey my little Fox, how are you doing?" Tommy giggled, stroking Fundy's hair. 

"I'm doing good Tom!" Fundy gave him a big smile, showing his lost front tooth. 

"Fundy Soot get back here this instant!" They heard from a classroom and saw the teacher looking mad at the child. 

Fundy gave a guilty looked and said bye to both Tubbo and Tommy before walking into his classroom. 

"He's so sweet." Tubbo looked at Tommy, who was rubbing his stomach which was probably gonna bruise. 

"We should probably head to class now, before we get told off like little Fundy is now." Tommy gulped, looking towards the classroom which Fundy was in. 

The rest of the day went rather quickly, however neither Tommy nor Tubbo saw Ranboo for the rest of the day, but they didn't question it and just assumed that he had different classes to them. 

"See ya tomorrow Tommy!" Tubbo waved to Tommy as he ran off to his home, leaving Tubbo to walk home on his own. 

At Tubbo's Home-

Tubbo walked into his house, dumping his bag and shoes on the floor and running upstairs to his room, where he fell onto his bed and went onto his phone, scrolling through YouTube. 

After a while he got bored and decided to go on instagram, however he immediately regretted his decision. Everyone else had found their soulmates and were showing them off to everyone, making Tubbo feel more lonely than he already was. 

"1 more day Tubs, then you can start the search for your soulmate..." Tubbo told himself, turning off his phone. 

He then remembered about what Ranboo said. 

"The only person his eyes don't affect is..."

"Is what?" Tubbo said aloud. He opened his computer and googled it, however there was only one search that came up. 

"May as well try it..." Tubbo sighed, opening the page and scrolling through the copious amounts of information. 

Incubus Eyes-

Incubus is a rare shade of green that very few people have as eye colours. This causes the person he is making eye contact with to freeze up and become paralysed until the eye contact is broken. The only person who is able to make eye contact with someone with these types of eyes and not freeze up is that persons soulmate. 

That was the last bit of information on the page, however it was all he needed. 

"S- Soulmate!" Tubbo's eyes widened. Tubbo immediately went onto discord and tried to call Tommy, however he didn't pick up. 

He tried to call everyone he was friends with, but none of them picked up, so he closed down his computer and laid on his bed, trying to process what was going on by himself. 

"He's my... soulmate..." Tubbo couldn't believe it, it couldn't be true. Could it? He shook his head. 

"I'll know for certain tomorrow, for now all I can do is forget about it..." He told himself, standing back up and walking downstairs, making himself some food. 

After he had eaten his food, he walked back upstairs and got changed into his pajamas, lying down in his bed and scrolling through YouTube one last time before putting his phone on charge and closing his eyes, falling sleep very slowly. 

Tubbo's eyes opened slowly, as the screeching of his alarm clock woke him up. It was just then he saw a small parcel on the end of his bed. He opened it and saw one earbud, obviously the other one was with his soulmate, who he was pretty sure he already knew, but he could never be too sure. 

Carefully, he took the earbud out of the box and placed it in his ear. A song slowly started playing, a song that he recognised. He started humming to the song as he got changed and walked to school. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBS!" Tommy yelled, bringing him into a tight hug, 

"Thanks Tom, I really appreciate it." Tubbo giggled. 

"Did you make sense of what that tall, creepy dude was saying yesterday?" Tommy asked, looking towards Ranboo who was sitting on a bench and had his eyes closed, listening to the song playing in his ear. 

"Actually I did..." Tubbo looked away. 

"And?" Tommy asked, forcing Tubbo to look back. 

"Tommy, promise you won't freak out." Tubbo was actually pretty scared to tell him. Even though they had been friends since they were 2, he didn't know how he would react. 

"About what Tubs?" Tommy was confused. 

"I'm pretty sure he's my soulmate Tommy..."

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