Chapter 7

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"What do we do now?" Tubbo said after a few minutes of silence.

"We try and continue with life and hope it goes well." Ranboo sighed and looked at Tubbo, giving him a smile.

"Ok." Tubbo returned the smile and looked at the tv.

"Should we watch a film?" Ranboo asked.


"Which film?" Ranboo got up and opened the dvd case to reveal a bunch of Disney and horror films.

"Brave!" Tubbo saw the case and got very excited. Ranboo laughed and took the case out of the cabinet. He put the dvd into the DVD player and sat back down next to Tubbo.

1 hour and 33 minutes later.

Ranboo looked to his side to see the smaller boy asleep on his shoulder. He tried to move but Tubbo just nestled closer to him.

Ranboo gave up after 5 minutes and decided to just stay like that until he woke up. He was sat there a while before a loud noise from the outside woke him up.

"What was that!" Tubbo asked, sitting up quickly as if he hadn't just been asleep.

"It's probably nothing Tubbo." Ranboo said, but he checked anyways. After what happened to Tubbo, he wanted to make sure he stayed safe.

He walked to the window and just as he did, a rock smashed through the window, almost hitting Ranboo and landing on the coffee table. There was a small note on the rock.

'Come to ******** at 12 o'clock tonight ALONE and your precious little boyfriend won't get hurt.'

Tubbo stared at the note on the table. Ranboo was still looking outside for the person who threw it. Once he got to the table he quickly read the note and stared at Tubbo.

"You're not actually going are you?" Ranboo asked, scared of the look on Tubbo's face.

"What- no no no, absolutely not." Tubbo said, and being the sneaky person he was, Ranboo believed him.

"Ok, that's good. I'll find something to patch up the window quickly and then we'll phone the police about this." Ranboo ruffled Tubbo's hair and walked into the kitchen to try and find something to patch up the window.

"Of course I'm gonna go dimwit, I'm not taking the risk of not going and then you actually get hurt." Tubbo mumbled under his breath so Ranboo couldn't hear.

That night:

Tubbo got up slowly as to not disturb Ranboo. He changed into darker clothes so he couldn't be seen as easily and walked out into the hallway.

He put on his shoes and walked outside. He took a deep breath of fresh air and closed the door behind him quietly as to not disturb Ranboo.

It only took him 10 minutes before he made it to the place they requested. He leant against the wall and took another few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Yes, this is scary, but it's for Ranboo, you can't loose him too. He's all you have..." Tubbo told himself.

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of him and placed a piece of fabric in front of him with a weird chemical. Before Tubbo could scream, the chemical knocked him out cold.

Once Tubbo woke up, his scanned the room he was in. Everything was dark and creepy. There were weapons lined on the wall, scaring Tubbo. The walls and floor were coated with thick layers of dust and in the corners of the room there were tones of cobwebs and spiders.

"I see you're awake." A rather deep voice grumbled from the shadows. A few people walked forward.

The first one, obviously the leader, he dirty blonde hair. He had a black mask covering the lower half of his face but left the top half exposed. He had bright green eyes, the same eyes as Ranboo.

The second one had black hair with a white bandana around his hair. What scared Tubbo about his bandana was it had tiny specs of red blood on it. He was wearing the same black mask as the last person. His eyes were an odd shade of brown, almost like the other eye of Ranboo, however, Tubbo decided this was just a coincidence.

The last person had brown hair. He wasn't wearing a mask like the others, but he did have on glasses with thick white plastic rims which Tubbo worked out to be colour blind glasses.

Every one of them shared something in common, and that was the fact that they had belts on with weapons in them. The one with the black hair had a gun, the one with brown hair had a knife and the one with blonde hair had both.

"Who are you?" Tubbo asked, his voice croaky.

"Well, seeing as we'll probably kill you aommer or later, I suppose it's safe to tell you our names. I'm dream." The blonde one announced.

"George." The one with brown hair said.

"And I'm Sapnap." The one with black hair said.

"Why am I hear?" Tubbo asked, scared and confused.

"Well," George circled Tubbo. "Your parents owed us a bit of money, so we killed them! Then we decided that, just for fun, we would kill of their bloodline!" George started laughing crazily.

Dream pulled George over to him and gave him a kiss. They walked upstairs hand in hand, leaving Sapnap to take care of Dream.

"You hungry?" Sapnap asked Tubbo.

"A bit yeah."

Sapnap nodded and walked over to the cupboard and opened the doors, taking out some bread and butter.

"This is all we have, you'll have to deal with it." Sapnap showed Tubbo what little he had. Tubbo just gave him a look and turned away.

"Can I ask you a question?" Tubbo turned back to Sapnap.

"Sure, not like I have an option because you'll just ask me anyways." Sapnap put the bread and butter on an old plate.

"My soulmate, he has the same green eyes as dream and his other eye is the same colour as yours, is that just a coincidence?"

"Does he have the glowey eye thing?" Sapnap asked Tubbo.


"Then no. It's not a coincidence. Dream has that too. Dream used to have a brown eye and once they meet their soulmate and properly admit it to themselves, the soulmates eyes go brown and the person with the condition has both green eyes." Sapnap told him.

"Does that mean that-"

"Me and Dream are soulmates, yes." Sapnap looked Tubbo dead in the eyes.

"Once we found out we were soulmates, we started going out for a while. My eyes went brown, such and such, but then after a few years, the spark was kind of... lost. We decided to just be platonic soulmates and that's when dream found George, one of the few people who doesn't have a soulmate."

Tubbo scanned the expression on Sapnap face, realising something.

"You still like dream, don't you?" Tubbo asked him.

"Ye- I mean, why should I be telling you this, you're the hostage!" Sapnap rubbed his eyes to try and stop the tears from falling down and walked up and out of the basement.

Hello!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of the story. I'm not planning on making this story long like the other ones I've written, but it will still be a decent story length for you to read and enjoy. Love you all so so much and never stop being the amazing people you are! <33

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