R. runaway | Ranboo

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X FEMALE ! CHILD ! READER ( 7 years old )



At dark gloomy night . .

[Name] was running off with her little Legs onto the deep dark woods, sobbing. Although she's tired she didn't stop. She forcefully herself kept running into the dark woods.

I wonder what happpened?

You wanna know?



"Please! i'll do anything you wanted!"

her mother begged, crying down on her knees infront of the green hoodied man.

But the green hoodie men stared at her sadistically.

[Name] was staying quite by covering her little mouth with her hands, try not to get caught by her little shaky breaths.

Perhaps she might be the next one..

Then [mother name] making a direct glance at her daughter, which make the green hoodied man quickly noticed [Mothers name]'s direction.

[mother name] felt that. She.. realized what she did. 

A big mistake..

"[NAME]! RUN!!!"

[name] quickly burst out on the door without a hesitation, not the making the green hoodie man noticed.

she ran with the gates open, not looking back.

Once she sees her fathers corpse outside before but she dismissed the thought of horrible sight, bubbly tears came out of her eyes.

[name] started to ball her eyes out while running, cannot stop herself crying. She couldn't easily get that sight out beacause her loving parents got brutality killed.

But she kept running.

Then she went after Deep woods..


She still kept running, of how she seen her parents get killed infront of her, especially [Mother name]'s Scene, poor [name].

What was the reason, why her parents got killed?

I don't know.

Thoughts On [Name]'s head make her confused and dizzy.

As she keeps running until she got tired, panting so hard, trying to get her nearest breath, her voice became higher as she continue panting.

Then she saw a faint light on corner in the dark woods, without warning She instantly went her way to there

She was afraid that the MONSTER might be following her.

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