G. Flower | X oc

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A Gift Fanfic to @Zuziakrel :)

Its about Finn & Little y/n, And things Happened..

Finn (oc) x Child! fem! reader

In Dark midnight, On pogtopia. You were sleeping in your Room, Snoring Softly While the full moon Shine's every window in a night.

Your Snoring face was reflected By a light Until someone Blocked it by A shadow.

Then it Knock Quitely, Making [name] waking up. She groaned, rubbing her eyes

She went look Where the noise came from. and She noticed a familiar figured

"Psst! hey its me!" Said a Familiar male voice, She blink twice and grabbed the Flashlight On her desk, Then turn it on over the window

it was Finn!

you were Surprised that he knows where you are, you opened the window quickly then greeted by a breezing fresh air, With the curtains Dancing

You both stared at each other for a good second, "How did you Know that i'm here!?" you whispered, He just chuckled and sit on the window.

"Well, i was Following you with those guys and thats how i found you!" He smiled, "i was Upset that you leave me there alone, while i was calling your name out.." He said, rubbing his elbows

"at least i see you again, Right finn?" [name] gave him embrace, He quickly hug her as a friend, They might be not close but their still friends


"Also I secretly heard that your Dad was Searching for you. [name]," Finn told her "He wasn't My Real father actaully.." She said, "Then who is Your Real father?" He asked

"i-.. uhm Well you see my father was very nice Until My mother died to that deadly disease, then he started Mean & making me Trying to act Behave. he always Ciggarette Even i tried to stop him that things, But he didn't listen. And when he Make a hurtfull things to me, He just gave me some fancy things As a apology.." She said too tired to cry for now.

"And until one day, I stand for myself, telling him That i only need his love then he just slapped me, and i just got away. then i met jschlatt." She said. he litellary just listen the WHOLE story and felt bad after that

"Well thats how strict & rich Family's WORK right?" he asked
-as a i EXPERINECED, I may be not A rich but My Family genaration had A Buisness. No not all Rich and strict family lile this, They maybe be strict but at least its not about like [name]-

"Maybe..?" [name] not really sure if Some other families like her is Strict, "Anyways i have something for you" He said, [name] tilted her head making her Brown short hair move [Sorry Everyone, its part of a story].

He shove his hand on his pocket and He gave it To [name]

Its was alstroemeria and Daisy

Its was two flowers, [name] gasp at his Flowers and hugs him.

He was surprised but Hugged back, "Thank you! your the best!" She said, Stop hugging. Finn smiled "No problem, Like you said. Theifs Supports eachother, right? Even tho your Not even a theif Hahahaha" He laughed, So do [name] She laugh With a soft silk voice angel
[Lets just leave Reality behind]

Making Finn blush a bit, until someone Knock. It tried to Opened the doorknob but its lock

"[name]? Who are you talking to? Are you there??" Its was wilbur, i think his concerned

"Gotta go, Bye!" He whispered and jump, Until a key noise open.

Wilbur Opened it with [name] Looked at Him with blank face, and Windows opened. Holding something..

She quickly Hide it,

Wilbur sighed in relief, "Why are you Talking Yourself at midnight? and Why the Window is Open?" He asked

[name] started to panic but tried to Hide it

"Well, i was talking to the m-moon.." [name] lied and looked at the Moon, Thinking that he believes her.

Wilbur Knew it was a lie, But just Joins it. "isn't beautiful?" [name] said

Wilbur walked foward and sit beside her "You mean the moon?" He said, He wanted to enjoy the moment. "Yeah, i just couldn't Resist it." [name] told

In [name]'s mind, is hoping that Finn is ok..


Yeah, idk but i just made this scenario in my head so i decide to Write this:D

I know its bad & short, But hoped you enjoy

Also its not Part of a story of "Le vent se levé" By: ZuziaKrel

You should Check it out, Its a amazing fanfic!<3

This is just Gift fanfic for ZuziaKrel , idk i just came it out from my mind lol

Anyways have my piece of trash<3💖

Quackity is just on his Wedding arc, i wonder who is the Groom?🤔

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Quackity is just on his Wedding arc, i wonder who is the Groom?🤔

Let me know at the comments!☺️



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