O. Same Time | TNT duo

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Y! Revivebur/Wilbur x Male! c! reader x Y! Quackity

Authors note !

Yes, that's your gonna wear in this oneshot, it's totally fine if you want a different outfit to Wear <3 (imagination)

well of you go ! :D


in a Bright sunny day, A boy named;  [name] had his first trip on his A long advanture.

He wanted to Travelled The whole world beacause he wanted to learn new things and try new Things. isn't that fun?

in the moment, the boy went into the forest.  As His stomach started to growled loudly. He pat his tummy, he felt "empty" it was.

He needs food, so he looked around the forest Find Some food to eat, like apples or Pigs to slice them off..

Well.. after he wander around the forest, there was Nothing, What a waste of time. He look inside of his sling-bag, no Goodies. (Goodies mean a group of Food)

Goodness Gracious, guess he had suffer-


he stopped. he...

[name] smelled something really.. Delicous,

he sniffed again around him to prevent where that came from. Then he Found it and Followed the delicous smell Until he found a.. Van?..

He look at the area once, it was a Van with tables with Umbrellas on the outside. He walks towards it. He tapped the bell on the table twice, and a M̶u̶s̶t̶y̶ beinie guy came;

 He tapped the bell on the table twice, and a M̶u̶s̶t̶y̶ beinie guy came;

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credits to:???

The Man with red benie looked around and see nothing but A male child voice came in “Uh.. hello?” He looked under of the counter (?) to see a Short male child holding his Slingbag,

“Oh why hello there! is there anything you would like you order kiddo?” he greeted him politely “U-uh.. i would like to order a Boor.. ger?..” The boy stuttered, cringing at the title while pointing at counter meal menu (?).

“Oh a Boorger? okie dokie, anything else?” he asked one more and smiled, writing the order on the paper list

“That's all sir, thank you” [Name] thanked him and stood there, waiting for his meal.

Wilbur glance at the child for a second, “Oh, you can sit over there kiddo” He pointed one of the tables outside, Than [Name] gladly Thanked him after that.

The old man Smiled, went his way to Ranboo in the kitchen, “Ranboo!” wilbur threw the paper list at ranboo, as Ranboo perfectly catch it with one hand. He check the order and Saluted at wilbur. Wilbur sighed happily, gladly his worker doing well.

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