O. Ghost | Awesamdude

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Yandere! Sam x ghost! child reader
Me & my Friends planned this Crap, so you better Proud of us;
Start with:
Me(the author), Juan, Furry, Prazna
If you see this yall, Thank you for helping me. They deserved an award🏆
Now enjoy:)

At the Middle of the night, inside at the prison. Sam guarding it, Making sure Dream will NEVER escapes

sitting at his desk, Taking a nap

Since There's no visitors Today not even Big q since he's busy, Sam planned to Go on outdoors for a Fresh air

He Sighed and opened his sleepy eyes, With eye bugs on it. Rubbing it trying see clearly around the room.

while On his Thoughts, Where place would He need a fresh air. Maybe out of the Prison? Nah.


ok maybe

He was thinking about it for a moment, He wanted a peaceful Fresh air That make his Stress would go away

As if hes Choosing Where place there is peace, He decide why not walking around and Find Somefresh air.

So he stood up and walked aside from his desk, and on his way to the Portal to go outside.

once he was get out from his routine work. And decided to close the pandora's vault, For a while

Then started Walked in the other way, Needing some fresh air.

beacause He DESERVES it,

Then he go into the Woods, Walking forward at the dirt road, Seeing a lot of Pretty fire flies Everywhere on his way.

He Smiled Under his Gas mask, He continue walking forward admiring the dark woods and Fire flies, it was Darn peaceful

He Breath Heavily, feeling The fresh air around his body. Until He heard Noises, Crying ones..

Then he proceed to Follow those Crying noises, as he get closer at the noise, It was a child Crying noises.

He still Continiued, and He got closer. It was someone behind The tree!

He Carefully Walks forward and Slowly peaks Who is the child behind this Tree, Since curiousity Took over him.

And he fimd a Child, who is Sobbing & Crying, While They hugged their Own knees

While the child is sobbing, Sam felt bad about it. Even He felt bad When tommy cries in Despair, But This one..

Its Gotta be something..

He walks beside to the Child, And he took The step of The grass. The child Slightly freaked out, They turned aroud to see who it was

Sam was Surprised at The Ghost child's face, yes Ghost. He infact realized that the child is A ghost!

He wondered what Death cause to them?

He walk over and kneeled Beside Them, “H-hey..Are you alright kid? You seem sad, is something Wrong?” He asked

When the child Heard their First Comfort, They felt Warm & comfy inside of them. They were Happy.. but they got back on their sad Brearkdown again, Broke the contact with The creeper man

“No..” they said honestly, Sam Knew they were Upset, and he couldn't Handle seeing Minors crying Especially that ghost child...

“Then why are you crying?” He sit beside Them, tries to comfort the ghost child. “Beacause im Lonely..”

He listened,

“And nobody Knows me..” They said, Laying their head down on their knees & quitly proceed sobbing

Sam was Upset too, “Hey, its okay. i felt that feeling too..” He said With comfort smile under behind his Gas mask,

The ghost child Whined, And sam Didn't know what to do about.

Then someone Idea came out from his mind, He looked at his inventory & Grabbed it.

It was a Flower, A purple one

Then he putted it in, in Ghost child's Pale (S/c) Ear, Then The child Flinched that feeling on their ear

The Ghost child quickly turned aroud, And touch, what behind their ear.

The ghost child looked at him with Blank black eyes, with Endless black tears on it. With Widen on their eyes They asked

“W-wha..- why did you Put a flower on my Ear?” The asked, Sam chuckled and pat their head with his Gloved hand

“You deserved Better.”

After saying that, He felt someone Hugging him, He looked down at the Small ghost child

Who is Crying In happiness & acceptation, “T-Thank you!” they thank him, Hugging so thightly.

Then he felf Warm on his Heart after hearing there happy voice, which make him Joy.

“No problem kiddo” he hugged them back, gently patting their head.

“and.. i haven't Know your Name..” The ghost child said, Just broke The hug. Realizing they just Hug a person that they Just met.

Sam gave an Awkward laugh, “I know.. I'm sam by the way, whats yours?” He asked, “[name]”

“[name]? thats a pretty Name.” He complimented, “Thank you again:)” [name] smiled

And Sam notices that They were a Ghost, “So your a ghost, How did you die?” He asked,

When [name] Heard that, They gave him A truamatizing reaction. Their eyes are so wide, Of how much They DON'T wanna remind them the End. They hide their Exoression quickly,

[name] Avoided the Question, “i-i actually can't remember how i die, Sorry..” They look down. hoping Sam would Believing they're Sympathy lie.

the reason they Died its beacause Techno, well you know. Orphan.

Sam believed it, “Oh. its alright, I had Ghost friend who didn't Remember His Death.” He Said,

this make [name] caught their interest, “Really?” They smiled, Excited wanting to meet Him.

“Yeah, But he got revived.. and became a Bad person”


“Revived means, Making the dead People Alive.” He explains, While [name] gave an 'Oooohh' noise.

“Thats cool! i wanna get Revived too!” They said, Happiness On their Voice. Wanting to be alive again.


Said with a multiple voices, Its Fear.

Ignore that.

just ignore that.

You decided to ignore it, “Hello? [name] to earth?” A creeper man said

You blinked twice, then looked at Sam who is Confused. “Are you zoning out?”

“i don't know.”



Everyday, The ghost child & Sam would build A friendship by meeting In the woods.


Maybe on part 2, its may have agnst. idk How to write agnst, but i'll try:c

Make sure to read Dsmp fanfic. Its called: 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵- 𝘍𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘺
By: Me (ofc)
but its on hold yet

Its about a girl that accidently travelled Another dimension, and yeah things happen. Also its platonic

Anyways Take care<3💕

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