O. Met | Dreamwastaken

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Authors note !

— This is gonna be insert-oc's, if you excuse me.. I'm not really the best at writing but i might be writing to be good and had fun doing it:)
So please don't bully me;)))

Yandere! Dream x Child! reader (GN)

"O." = Oneshot

( Re-write )

You would feel how The wind blew your (H/C) hair genlty, that Making it more messier than you look earlier. As you ran through the forest Playing hide and seek with your Friends

You huffed, your Friend was near Behind you. You peek a bit behind, Seeing you're friend hand Almost close to you. You turned back and focused in your way, Running even faster

"OH MY GOSH!" You panted, "i've Never ran so much Fast in my ENTIRE life!" [name] Shouted, then smile in pride, proud that how your friend Failed to catch you

You laughed half-away until You bumped to someone, Your butt fell into the ground harshly, You groan

"Ow.." you rub in back to smooth the pain, you looked up to see who it was.

it was Male, The men was wearing a Smiley mask covered His entire face, he Had a green lime hoodie And a  shoulder bag on his shoulders With Axe behind his back

"[name]!?" your pre-teen screamed for her friend, Sounding she is getting worried.

[name] was about to stand up by Themselves, But The masked man gave them a hand "Need a hand kid?" He asked, You were sure surprised but you Accept it, Happily take his hand for help.

After the man helping you stand up, [name] Dusting their-selves off on their Sweater And turned their head to The masked man.

"Thank yo–"

"[name]?!?" a familiar voice cut-you off, You turned around to see your Friends was Running towards to you.

The pre-teen girl immediatly kneeled down your height, "Oh my gosh! Where Have you been? i' thought your going to get Lost!" She said worriedly Holding your Face-cheeks gently, if you see that your face have rashes or bruises.

Another noise Come from a bush. your male friend came out, he was a goat hybrid "Hey! where have You two been–" the goat boy stopped, Noticing the masked man

"Uh- what are YOU doing here, Good sir?" He said pointing at the masked man. The man was on his deep thoughts when he said "Good sir" It reminds him of bad getting 'hair cut'

[name] froze, Forgetting that he exist and not apologizing. you quickly turned around to him and apologized "I'm so sorry that i accidently bumped into you, i really didn't focused where am i going. i was Playing hide n' seek with my friends and i was So much Fun playing with them!" the man listened Every Word they said, While the other 2 just stayed silently, watching the sence.

The man slightly tilted his head and Gripped thighly his Fist. The kids are ready for Something to happened ..

Until The man just ajusting his bag, "its alright kiddo, Your So very Nice! i didn't watch in my ways too, Everyone made mistakes" the man smiled behind in his mask

"Sooo....Whats your name sir?" You asked, giving him hand to shake. and your Pre teen girl start to stand up beside [name], While the goat just stayed in his position.

The Smiley man Chuckled, "I'm dream" Giving [name] hand shake that they offer. "Oh and i'm [name]! Then behind me is Smiley and Yohann" [name] pointed the pre teens

Yohann was waving at dream and Smiley was avoiding eye contact, Probably shes shy lol

"What a pretty names you had! Especially You little one!" Dream Slighly kneeled and boop [name] nose, [name] Giggled, making dream had a odd feeling That he would take them.

"Well i gotta go now kiddos! Good bye for now" Dream waved and walked away infront of the kids, They waved a bit.

After he was out of their sight, Dream's Mind was full of [name]. he could'nt rid of it whatever he tried he can.

he wanted [name] to be his Child...

He smiled darkly, Im sure i'll find [name] and gave them a Big greeting.. :)

He Faded away in the deep dark on forest smoothly, Went way home.



WHOO! IM DONE DOING THIS! my Left hand are numb while writing this, But I Made it! >:D

Im verry sorry that i haven't post some chapters.. i was busy that time:[

So i'll be here writing a book for you;}
And requests are opens!:) But Not ALL will be chosen.

Well thats all for today! have some Cringey oneshot😫🤞

Please dont bully the names

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