O². Ghost | Awesamdude

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Yep here's a Part 2, Well i think the 3rd. pov Is prespecting Ghost [name] more, than the others i think(?)

welp i hope I fed you well, i had many works to do.
-Instagram/Fanart(i want clout, bcz it satisfied me)
-School. yea
-Anddd fanfics ofc.


Each day, You and Sam Are getting closed to eachother. You often wait for him In the Forest Until He's there for you talking alot of stuff.

You really enjoy his Entermaint, which you Giggled -*Cutely Giggles👹👹*-

and Just beacause your in Woods ALL they, Doesn't mean You CAN go anywhere.

You always Fly around, Especially in the sky, Which. when you up there Above the Clouds you Could fell Fresh air aroud you, it was fun flying around anywhere


Why this F̘͍͖ͫ͘ẹ̿͋̒̕ā̤̓̍͘r̴̨̦͕̝ is bothering you so much.

The reason is, That You deal with a MONSTER

you dealed with A MONSTER, beacause You wanted revenge. Revenge...

You Clenched you're hand So thighly of how much you wanna Punch something, Mad, You were Mad. REALLY Mad

You really wanted To torture Him for ENTERNITY, for killing you with no reason.

You become a ghost For a revenge and a deal.. of course.. thats why,

your soul is Filled with Rage & regret?

You're just a child..

You May be child, But that doesn't mean You Can't do Anything With Darkest desires.

You always Watch Techno Actions, and Everytime When he Grabbed the Sword that he USED to Murder You..

You always get Mad About it, Many murderous Scenarios in your Mind. Which Makes you insane.

Then you just realized what you do;

'W-what have i Did..!?'

'No, No no no no no no. i cant kill people, Even THE BAD ones They still DOESN'T deserve that, Even MY killer.'.

'Why did i Deal with Fear..'

'My Soul filled with Rage is the reason why i become like this.. if i didn't Deal with her, I'll be Able to Go in afterlife!'

'*sighs* now..there's no Choice, i had to Bad things now..'

'But i felt I wanted to kill that Bastard..

'but i REALLY wanted too..-'


You always overthinking alot beacause Half of you Wanted to kill Him & half you don't wanna. Which make your head hurt.

[???:Wait isn't [name] a ghost or a soul which means, They can't Feel pain? Unless its mental and Emotional?-

Fear: Shut up and let the story continue.]

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