O. School | Quackity

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Yandere! quackity x Child! reader (GN)

( re-write )

It was your first day at school, You were still in your room, getting ready until your done. You were Smiled at the mirror as if your ready

You grabbed your bag and went down to the downstairs, While your dad Quackity. paitently waiting for you, he was holding your Lunch bag with your (F/F) inside in it.

Quackity gave your lunch bag, then you start gave him a hug and kiss him to the cheek. He smiled "The bus is in the outside, i'll be there when your Class is over" He said, You nodded, going your way inside the bus.

You were waved at him, he wave back "Bye daddy!" You Smiled widely, then The bus start to Move, Send the Students in the school

Your dad smiled, How He love his child..

[name]'s Mom left them both, Beacause She was Using him for Money, Of course Money. [name] was Baby that time and Their Mother didn't care. After all

Quackity Make sure He raised Them as well, He didn't care about the B*tch what was she was doing.


Back to [name]'s pov. As They looked around the hallways And Chairs side to side, Until she found in the Middle

She saw a muslim girl Sitting there watching the outside while The bus is moving, [name] walked towards to the Muslim girl,

Then the muslim girl noticed the Figure the side of her, "H-hey..Can i sit with you?" [name] asked, The muslim girl shove aside as She was letting sitting them

[name] sit beside her, it was silence between these two So [name] broke the silence "I'm [name], what is your name?" You asked, The muslim girl hummed and looked away for second

"My name is Katie.. i'm 10 years old." Katie replied, "Oh Thats a nice name! Are you a muslim? Aren't you?" [name] asked Her, Katie was started to Semi-panic, Thinking that [name] is a racist person

She sighed "yes.." She answered, Avoid eye contact, [name] was frowned They knew the reason

"Its ok, Im not Gonna bully you, ALL of People don't deserve getting bullied! I dont really care what race you are, You seem nice." [name] said, The bus is noisy yet so fun on their lives

While the bus driver don't give a Heck about it, He was enjoying how the Students is loud, Its remind him, from his old days.

Katie gasp At [name]'s Responed then smiled, "Thank you.." Katie smiled and chuckled, "so how old are you?" Katie started to Boost her confidence. Thanks to [name]

"[Your age]" You said. Then you both talk about Random stuff Until the bus stops

when you guys get out of the bus, "I gotta go! See later at lunch [name]!" She waved, Ajusting her backpad as you waved back. On your way at Your New class


The Class was on 4 hours. The teacher was on break, Giving students to have time to answer. The students on your class are start answering while the others are Done with their answer, so buisness and your done answering too.

then You were just doodling on your paper, Since your bored. until someone came up right infront of you

It wasn't just a bully, Your New Classmate just shyly asked to gave Them some scratch paper, Then you gave them one

They thanked you, as they back going to Work. I guess you made a friend.

The class ended and you PASSED the quiz [For the ones who not irl, im sorry bro😔✋] Then it was lunch time, You hold your snack, that you buy earlier. looked for your Muslim friend, that she promised she will eat with you

You feel someone pressed your back, You flinched & turned around to see its just her, "I thought it was a Ghost-" you Gasped and katie just laugh, "Maybe you just watch scary things, Come on lets eat!" She gently Grabbed your hand to find a seat.

Then Both of you Found one, This is the journey to know eachother from now on.


After Random school stuff, The School ended at 3am in the afternoon, The Students on their way on outside, While their parents wait for them

You looked around in outside to find your father, "BOO!" A familiar voice Scare you, You quickly turned around to see its your father smiling. Your panic expression turn into happy one

"Daddy!" he kneeled down and Gave you a embrace, it was nice. Quackity stop hugging you, Even thought he wants more.

"So how your Firstday of school? is it good or bad?" He asked, "It was fun! i met tons of friends in my class and one Schoolmate!" [name] jumped n' down, "Thats great sweetie! i-" "Bye [name]!!" a loud Familiar voice said cut off quackity's sentence, As you looked at the direction to see your Schoolmate muslim girl waving at you and while holding her mothers Hand

"Bye Katie!!" you Shouted, As you waved back

Quackity was Kinda Bother at this moment, But he doesen't want to ruin it for his child

"So who's That?" He asked, [Name] looked back at their father "Thats the one schoolmate, that i tell you While ago!" [Name] said with cheery smile

"Well i guess its time to go home now sweetheart, but before that we going into mcdonlands [HELP IDK THE SPELLING😭] [name]" He said

Your (e/c) widen as You Smiled widely "Yeah, Lets go now daddy!" [name] (c/s) hand grabbed his hands, On their way to the car.

Then they Go to Mac' dolnalds :)


Whoo! that take a long lol

Anyway IK theres no possesive or Yandere Behavior in this oneshot, But i just made it cuz i want some fluff time:))))

So yeah..

Also No racist,sexism,Colorism,Homophobia,R4pist here allowed.

Luca is my Oc! and yes My school started in Next week, Hope u finish ur homework/exam everyone;)

Please Take care of yourself:>>

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