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❝ get back here you brat! ❞

that was the voice of the man you once loved, however it is now the voice of the man you fear

❝ i have sacrificed a lot to raise you and this is how you repay me? by running away? ❞, he said, his words tumbling from his mouth in a rush

ignoring his words, you focused on your breathing as cold air bit into your lungs. the thumping of his footsteps echoed throughout the streets so loudly that you can't possibly tell if he was near or right behind you

❝ i'm tired of playing cat and mouse kid—i suggest you to stop running ❞, he said, his voice shrill and deafening which caused a shiver down your spine

you had to escape him and that place you called home

you sucked in a breath as tears gathered around your eyes when you felt shards of broken glass bottle pierced your bare feet

you had no idea how long you've been running until you noticed how quiet it was

you did it. you managed to outrun him, you're finally free


with your back against the brick wall, you were welcomed by the sight of countless stars, constellations, and the moon from above

it was rare sight for you to witness the starry night sky considering you were always locked away in the attic most of the time, only leaving the place to get him more of his beloved alcohol

you made yourself comfortable on the cold ground, dropping your bag beside you. you zipped open the bag, rummaging through it before taking out a plush

it was a panda plush that you received from your mum, days before she had passed. the plush looked like it was untouched except for one of its beady eye

you placed it on your lap and continued to search inside the bag only to pull out a locket

the locket itself was oval-shaped, two initials were engraved on the back. it was hanging by a rope since the previous chain broke

and there it was, the picture of both you and your mother in the locket. your mother pressing her cheek against yours while you had your eyes closed

softly tracing the small photo, you snapped out of your trance when your vision blurred

a single tear landed directly on the locket. once the first tear got away, the rest followed after, creating a small pool on your lap

you sniffled, and brought the sleeves of your sweater to wipe your nose while tears kept streaming down your eyes

tucking away the locket in your back pocket, you brought the panda plush against your chest, clutching onto it and accepted your torment

the flesh under your rib cage throbbed, cheeks wet, lungs burning for air

❝ i miss you mummy❞

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