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phil had unfortunately gotten a call this sunday morning, informing him that he had to take a late shift since the previous coworker is absent due to personal reasons

so here you are, staying at the schlatt's house for the time being. tommy and tubbo were upstairs sleeping since it's still four in the morning

you couldn't catch some sleep, not really used to sleeping at a new environment -even tho you've been here a couple of times- but still, you weren't able to fall asleep

usually techno would come by and read you some Greek mythological but he's not here. to pass by the time, you started to create small scenarios in your head

like, becoming a pirate and conquering the ocean with a pretty lady with luscious white hair and goat-like features

or perhaps a baker, working alongside another pretty lady with blonde hair. you even served some pastries to your favourite costumer, mr. manifold

a weight on your shoulder snapped you out of your daze and you tilted your head upwards to find schlatt looking down at you

hair sticking in every direction and the dark circles under his eye were visible despite how dim-lighted the room is

❝ you're supposed to be in bed, it's four—almost five in the morning kid ❞, he said, plopping down on the couch next to you and combed his hair back

you could hear him mumbling about his back hurting and bit back a smile

he acts just like phil in some way

❝ i couldn't sleep and didn't want to bother anyone so i came here to think ❞

❝ what about? ❞

❝ nothing important sir ❞

schlatt brought his hand up and lightly smacked your head, ❝ what'd i tell you about calling me sir ❞

❝ to not to call you that ❞, you replied, rubbing the spot where he smacked you

❝ exactly—so just call me schlatt ❞

you nodded and went back to staring at the wall. both of you sat in silence and it was slightly uncomfortable. you perked up when he got up from the couch and held out his hand

❝ let's make breakfast ❞

❝ what? ❞

never in your life, have you thought that schlatt could cook. you kind of see him as someone who would order food online and deliver it to his house

then again, he had tubbo to take care of so its wasn't really a surprise much

you looked at the ingredients on the countered to turned to face the businessman, ❝ eggs and bacon? ❞

❝ waffles too ❞, he said, cracking the eggs in a bowl and slid it towards you, ❝ whisk them up while i fry the bacons ❞

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