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right now, you're on the car to the store because phil might've forgotten to get you new clothes and food for the fridge since it was practically empty

he felt guilty the whole ride, thinking he was a bad father especially when the boys -tommy and wilbur- teased him about it

so here you are, listening to tommy shouting from the top of his lungs when a hamilton song came on the radio

❝ thank god tubbo's not here or we'll be deaf by the time we arrived at the store ❞, techno said, leaning closer to you considering how loud it was in the car

❝ you're probably right.. ❞

meanwhile, wilbur -being the good brother he is- tried shutting him up, but nothing worked. so, the only option he had was..

to join in

what a disaster—how come phil hasn't lost his mind from these two

both you and techno sit back and relax, observing the two boys singing and recording it for blackmail

every now and then, tommy's voice would crack, much to your enjoyment

poor phil had to endure the chaos at the driving seat, hands gripping on the steeling wheel like his life depended on it

❝ oi! will you two stop laughing at me! ❞, tommy pointed at finger towards techno once he caught you two gossiping to one another

techno shrugged and you looked away like nothing happened

❝ alright we're here, don't cause a scene—that goes to you especially ❞, phil said, averting his eyes at tommy

said boy gasped with an offended look, placing a hand on his chest

❝ whatever old man—now let's go shopping y/n! ❞

❝ tommy, don't you think we're buying too much? ❞

❝ what do you mean? ❞

you deadpanned and looked at the basket you're holding, it was practically overflowing with sweets and fizzy drinks

tommy had taken you away to the sweets isle, leaving the three adults to do their own thing. he began rummaging through the shelves and throwing various sweets in the basket, adding more weight to it

you struggled to hold the basket and dropped it on the floor. one of the candies fell out the basket and rolled away

you quickly ran after it, not noticing that someone was infront and accidentally bumped onto them

you winced and rubbed your forehead before looking up to apologise to the person. you cringed when your eyes landed on her outdated hair style and the amount of make-up she's wearing

don't get me wrong, you think make-up looks nice on anyone but she looked identical to a clown

❝ excuse you, but who do you think you are—you almost killed me! ❞, she said, her high-pitched voice was a high as a dog whistle

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