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❝ psst y/n..oi wake up or I'll bite your toe—WAKE UP ❞

you groaned, smacking away whoever's hand that was poking your cheek and rolled over to the other side

all you wished for was a nice peaceful sleep, no disturbance. nothing else

unfortunately, the poking wasn't going to stop anytime soon and it only became worse as the finger is brutally jabbing your cheek

having no other choice, you hastily opened your eyes and looked to the side to find tommy looking down at you with a grin

❝ jesus, i see you're back from the dead now—that was exhausting you know? waking you up ❞, tommy said, pretending to wipe away his non-existent sweat

you deadpanned at him before a thought hit you. you didn't remember coming back from your room

didn't i fall asleep outside with techno last night?

without a warning, tommy opened the curtain blinds much to your dismay as the blazing sun hits your eyes

he turned to you again, a grin permanent on his face. you wonder how he's so energetic despite it being quite early in the morning

❝ good morning to you too tommy ❞, you said, and yawned. you hopped off your bed, blanker still wrapped around your figure

❝ now hurry up before philza inhales all the food! ❞

you let tommy drag you by the wrist as you both entered the kitchen where the others were waiting

wilbur was the first to see you, wiggling his fingers as a greeting, ❝ good morning sunshine ❞

❝ good morning wilbur ❞

❝ how was your sleep? was the bed comfortable to your liking? ❞, phil asked, putting away the pots and pans in the sink and placed the plates full of pancakes on the table

❝ i slept well—the bed was very comfortable sir ❞, you replied, reaching over for some honey for your pancakes

philza sighed, a smile evident on his face, ❝ please, call me phil or dadza—no need for the formalities sweetheart ❞

❝ —it makes him feel old ❞, tommy said, snickering to himself and wilbur rolled his eyes

techno who had just arrived, smacked him on the head before grabbing himself a plate. tommy whined and gave him the finger before eating his food

you chuckled at the three brothers and took a bite of your pancake. you inwardly groan at the taste, god it felt so illegal to eat something this tasty

you didn't notice phil wiping away the honey from the corner of your mouth with his thumb or the fact that tommy is choking on his blueberries

❝ hey tom, when's tubbo arriving? ❞

❝ he said he's about five minutes away ❞

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