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it was around three o'clock in the morning and you had just tossed the covers off for the tenth time. you had no reason to stay awake yet here you are, eyes wide just like an owl

you slid from under the cover and fumbled around for something warm to drape your tired body before walking out your bedroom

since you had nothing else to do other than rolling around the soft mattress, you thought you might aswell find something to do

clenching your teeth out of habit, you played around with practising walking around in the pitch black hallway, this time successfully

you found yourself outside the backyard and walked up to a single tree near the shed. you slid down against the tree bark and placed your plush next to you in a sitting position

tonight was beautiful, stars winking at you from the endless arch of void-black

in places they were birth-stone-blue and beautiful, all a-glitter in their heavenly finery

was your mothers words, every single time you both sit on the roof of your house

to this day, you still had no idea what she meant

❝ what are you doing here all alone at three in the morning? ❞, you snapped your head to the side, eyes locking with bright red ones

there stood a male, arms crossed with a slight head tilt

your eyes drifted to his attire, blood-red robes and a crown

❝ pink? ❞, you said, pointing to his hair with slight curiosity

he brought his hand up to his hair that was tied up in a messy bun and nodded, ❝ yep, pink ❞

you watched as he sat down next to you although there was still a slight distance between you both

❝ so you're the kid phil mentioned ❞

❝ and you're techno? that's what wilbur called you yesterday morning ❞

❝ hm ❞

you assumed he wasn't much of a talker, not that you minded

you continued to watch the constellations in the night sky alongside techno who sat motionless beside you. usually when its quiet, you'd assume the worst back home but this, this was different

you liked it

glancing to your side, you noticed his hair was becoming loose from his bun before falling to his shoulder

❝ can i braid your hair—it's alright if you say no, i just think it'll look nice on you ❞, you said, lips quirked up to the side, hoping you didn't upset him in anyway

techno didn't reply for a while until he changed position, his back was turned to you and he handed you an elastic band

❝ do as you please kid—just don't do it too tight, it'll be painful to sleep in ❞

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