Chapter 1

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Victoria's POV

I sigh as I look at the only picture I have left of them. My parents. Now I'm the luna, but not what you think. My parents were not the alpha and luna, they weren't killed by a rouge attack, and I'm not even from this pack.

I was only thirteen. My parents, the pack warriors of the Shadow pack, were fighting in a pack war. The Midnight pack wanted my pack gone. Everyone of us dead.

There is one thing you should know about the Midnight pack.

The leader is only fifteen. He took over when his parents died from a rouge atrack. Don't let this mislead you though. He will murder you like nothing. Only because this pack is 'better' than everyone of the werewolf kind. They're said to be the moon goddess' favorite. They're sences are better. They're stronger and faster. The only flaw anyone can think of is that they are blood thirsty. They will kill in a heart beat.

After the first week, they invaded the houses. I was the only one to escape. That's only because dad showed me how to hide away from intruders. After I got out of my house undetected, I made a break for it.

I made it to the woods and made a living as a rouge. I ran for months. Stopping every now and then. That was when I met Madison and Xander. They were the alpha and luna of the Blue Moon pack.

They didn't see me at first and knew I was a rouge, so they tried to sneak up on me. When Madison saw me, she went and took care of me. They became my parents. I felt as though the moon goddess protected me and made sure I ended up there. I think that everything happens for a reason. I was ment to escape and find Xander and Madison.

I grew up the rest of my life here with their only son, Benz. I was the outcast for a couple of years, but they soon did respect me. I grew to be the young woman I am today.

Though I still miss my family back home. I sometimes wonder how it would be if the war never happened, but I learned that I can wonder all I want, but that won't help with what happens in reality. I need to keep things real, I guess.

There was a knock on the door. My 'brother,'Benz, came in.

"Hey, you ready?" I sigh. My brother and I are to be announced today that we will take over the alpha and luna position. Well, when Benz finds his mate, she will take my place.

"I don't know. I just feel like, inside somewhere, I feel like I'm betraying them."I respond.

"Yeah, I guess that you would most likely feel that way, but you know what's right, right? I mean, the pack needs a luna. You know that."

I think for a second. It makes sence. I need to become the pack's luna. If I don't, the pack can be desfunctional. The pack without it's luna is like animals with no food or water. I need to think about the pack before myself. As much as I want to be with my parents, I would never resolve to that. Plus, this pack needs me. It's for the best.

"I know. Come on. We'll be late."I finally say. I leave, Benz right behind me.


My dad finally announced we would be taking over now. All me and Benz has to do is mix our blood with 'mom' and 'dad.' After that, we get a huge celebration. I still don't know how they do it. I guess they always come prepared.

After I feel the tip of the knife on my finger, I freeze. I felt torn away after I did this last step in making me a full member of the Blue Moon pack. I felt like if I did this I would have nothing of my family anymore, but it's the right thing to do. I walk up to them and let our fingers connect, mixing in our blood.

My brother did it without hesitation. He was made for this. I was not.

The celebration started. There was music and streamers and everything was beautiful. The lights and stars looked extremly beautiful. I don't know how long we had been staying out here.

But that's when I heard the screaming.

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