Chapter 10

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Victoria's POV

I wake up and yawn. I look around the room and see Adam is already gone. I also see that its 11:21. I wonder why no one woke me up? All well.

I get up and stretch. I just had the best sleep I've ever had in my life. Must be the bed. It was so comfy. I want to fall back on the bed, curl up, and sleep another hour or two. But I decide it would be the best to take a shower.

I take a nice long, hot shower and get dressed. Not long after that I'm roaming around. I have no idea where I'm going, but I plan on getting there. Where ever 'there' is.

On the fifth floor I bump into a girl and a guy. The guy is holding her close to him. Something I wish I could do, but never with Adam. Never.

"Hi! I'm Rayna and this is my mate, Devan. Are you new 'cause I've never seen you here?"

"Hi. I'm Victoria...Adam's mate."I said, unsure if I should of said that.

"I heard about you! I still can't belive Adam found his mate! Especially after-"Devan elbowed her playfully. He gave her a look as if saying 'don't say to much information or you could wind up dead.' Let's just say I am really good at reading faces. And that face was telling me I shouldn't know something at the moment. Though, all it did was make me curious.

"Especially who?"I ask.

"'ll know when Adam tells you! It could take a while though. Its a very...touchy subject."she said, a little uneasy.

"We should go. I'm hungry." Rayna laughed and rolled her eyes at her mate.

"Your all ways hungry!" Man, this girl is perky. She looked at me. "Do you need any help finding anyplace?"

"Oh...uh, sure? I'm looking for the kitchen. I can't remember where it is."I said.

"Well apparently we are heading there now, so I'll show you." I laughed and followed.

We went from hall to hall, all looking the same. All the halls have a blue color to it, though it was obvious that it was painted not to long ago. The doors are snow white. No marks. No scratches. I'm impressed.

They stop infront of a door that seems to be just a little diffrent and familiar. They walk through the door first and I follow. As soon as I walk in I see at least six people. Rayna was introducing them, but I wasn't listening. All I could focus on was the stares. I hate being the center of attention, which always seems to happen.

After a couple uncomfertable minutes, I ask, "Where's Adam?" All heads turn to me at the name of their alpha.

"He's in his office. That's where he is all day."Layla said, looking back down at her food.

"Oh." I turn to Rayna. "I'm not really hungry. I'll just roam around." She looked at me for the second time in the last five minutes. It was obvious she could see how uncomfortable I am. She nods.

I give her a smile, "Thanks." Then I leave.

I started to roam around, clearing my mind. My life is messed up. My parents and my pack was destroyed when I was young. I turn into a rouge and meet two caring people who took me in. Years later, when my brother and I are at our celebration, rouges come. Benz thought of it as a good idea to call the very pack that destroyed my own. Then I find out their alpha is my mate. Another rouge attack happened and the rouges seem to want me for some unknown reason. Then I find out I have to leave to Adam's territory for safty. Can my life get anymore messed up?

While I'm replaying what's happened in my sad life, I end up on the last floor. There's only three doors. Two in which is bedrooms and the other room I belive is his office. I end up knocking and hear a faint 'come in.'

As I open the door, I see the room is a complete mess. Books are everywhere. Papers scattered on the desk. And then there's Adam. He looks like he hasn't sleeped in days. For some reason I feel sad. He shouldn't do this to himself. Although, the second he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Victoria, what are you doing here?"

"I was roaming around and ended up here." I shrug. I pick up one of the books. "Rouges, everything you need to know. Are you researching them because of..." I couldn't finish the sentence. I guess its harder to say that sentence aloud, than think it.

"Yeah, I am. You're in danger. I need to protect you at all cost. I don't want you to get hurt." Are we going to go back and forth between his mood swings. One minute he dosen't want anything to do with me, then the next, I'm all he could care about. Make up your mind already, I'm gonna go crazy soon if you don't!

I start picking up all the books that were everywhere. "You figure anything yet?"

He sighs. "No."was his only response.

"Did you look at...the prophecies? Maybe there's a prophecie on all of this."I suggest. Its the only thing I can think of.

"Yes. That's the best idea I heard all week." He let's out a huge yawn.

"Maybe you should get some rest. You obviously need it." He looked at me like I'm crazy.

"No, no. I need to get this done. Then I'll sleep." Again he let out a huge yawn. I never really thought of someone from the Midnight paack to yawn. It seems odd to see for myself, especially me because I have only thought of them as blood thirsty, cold-hearted monster.

"No. I can do it. You need the sleep. Plus, this will only stress you out."

"But knowing that your not safe is stressing me out already!" I just cross my arms. He can't convince me, no matter what. He sighs. "I'm not going to win, am I?" I nod that he was right. "Ok, ok. But wake me up as soon as you find something."

He leaves, but I could hear him mutter to himself about what he was gonna do with me. I am stubborn and some people say I'm even impossible to work with. Its not my fault. Its one of the reasons why I survived as long as I did. So, I guess I couldn't blame him.

I get the book he pointed out. And belive me when I say it wasn't light or small. Its the biggest book I have ever seen. And it looked like there was over a thousand pages. I guess every prophecie is in this huge book. I didn't know they had a book filled with prophecies.


Five hours later, I have gone through hundreds. I'm actually on my 957th. I give myself a pat on the back for that. Although, I don't know how much longer I can last behind this desk reading the book. I'll read one more, then I'll take a break.

As I turn the page, a person barges in here. He didn't seem diffrent. I could sense that he's just another werewolf, but obviously something went wrong.

As soon as he composes himself he notices me. " are?"

"Victoria. Adam's-"he cuts me off.

"Mate. Luna, where's the alpha?" Does everyone here already know who I am?

"He's in his bedroom, getting some sleep." He sighs and leaves in a flash.

In another flash, Adam is here, shirtless. He looks at me.

"I have information on the rouges' plan."

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