Chapter 11

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Adam's POV

I was woken by a pack member. Around six a.m. I sent a couple people to find the rouges' hideout and get information. Just now is when they got information. I wanted information so I planned on getting the information I needed.

As soon as I ran the very short distance, I could see that Victoria was trying to catch up with what was going on. My guess is that the pack member that told me that we got information probably went in here first then raced into my bedroom and then here I am, shirtless.

"R-really?"she said as soon as the info. went through her brain.

I gave her a small smile. I need to stay serious, but its hard with her around. She has that effect on me. I wonder if I ever effect her like she has done me for the last couple days.

"Yes. The pack will be in here in a few minutes to hear everything. The two who were sent out are on their way up here." She just stared at me like I'm crazy.

"What the-"she was cut off by the entire pack rushing in.

The two stepped up. The one on the right started, "The area is five miles from here. They have, at least, twenty-one people on guard outside. The inside is more defended. With over a hundred men watching over the area on the inside. They said that they hadn't been able to get Europe and Asia to agree with this though.

"Their plan...I'm afraid to report, is to get to you alpha. They were saying to get Victoria, saying she was most powerful. And...and that they were going to get her to kill you alpha." There were gasps. I'm not as surprised. I am the one who caused most of them to be rouges. "They wanted our territory and Victoria to be the leader in all this."

The other one asked, "Bill, didn't they say that they got this from one of the prophecies?" Bill, a new recruit, nodded.

I looked at Victoria, hoping she found something, but she was already looking through the book of prophecies. Her eyes shined bright as she found what we were looking for. But it grew darker as she read on. She looked up and pushed the book to me. Showing me what she found. It stated this:

The most powerful werewolf's mate will be in danger.

The ones who seek revenge will cause this.

The mate is destined to either build or destroy the werewolf world.

And the ones who seek revenge will follow her in destruction.

My head is spinning now. I'm trying to put on the thought that Victoria would try and kill me, take over my land, and destroy the werewolf world, while rouges follow her. It just dosen't seem realistic. I know she hates me, but its obvious that she is starting to care for me.

I just wish this wasn't happening. I can't handel this kind of stress. I need to keep Victoria away from the rouges. Move somewhere safe. Europe! We can visit there. I know a pack in Rome, Italy that would do almost anything for peace. One that belives that fighting and killing is not the answer. Exsactly why we don't get along, but its the best bet.

Everyone was scattered around, muttering among themselves about this new information. Its a lot of stuff to take in, I'll admitt that. But my people are the best of the best. We have handeled situations of life threatning before. This makes this no diffrent.

I cleared my throat, everyone stopped talking. "Layla, you, Victoria, and I are going to Italy. Everyone else, dismissed." Everyone else left the room.

"Adam, were not going to Rome, are we?" Layla never liked it their. Thought of them as peace lovers who are in need of major mental help. I agree with her, but overall, Rome wasn't that bad.

"Yes, we are. But don't think I want to."

"So, we are going, why?"

"Layla, you heard them, the rouges couldn't get Europe and Asia to agree with them in this situation. And Rome is the best idea, you know that."

"What's in Rome?"Victoria asked. She was so quiet that I almost forgot she was here to. I gave her a look saying 'I'll talk to you later about it,' but that didn't happen.

"There is a pack in Rome that dosen't belive in fighting and instead, peace." Layla visibly shuddered at the thought.

Victoria laughed at Layla. And let me tell you, that was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, but I kept serious. I need to, for her safety and for my pack.

"Victoria, this is no laughing matter. This is a matter of life and death and war between werewolves and rouges." She just looked at me. Layla looked at me too, as if saying 'whats wrong with you.' I just shrugged her off. "Layla, we will be leaving in the morning." Then I left to my room. Not thinking about it, I went to my comfy bed and fell asleep.

Though, I remember Victoria coming in, but not the warmth of her beside me.

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