Chapter 12

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Victoria's POV

I wake up on the surprisingly comfy couch. Not as comfy as Adam's bed, but comfy.

Since Adam thought of it as a good idea to be a jerk to not only me, but also Layla, that I decided that I'll sleep on the couch. I think it would have been better if he was sent to the couch, but he scares me. Yeah, he scares me, but only when he uses the power he has, on me. But overall, he is just a jerk.

Since we are apparently are going to Rome -which I thought was awsome- I was going to get ready. I got all dressed up and headed for the kitchen.

As soon as I stepped in the giant room all talking subsided. And all eyes was on me. How would you like it if about ten, most powerful eyes was staring at you? I know that I don't.

"Victoria, over here."Layla called out, breaking the unbearable silence. I took very slow steps, thinking that if I did something wrong, I would be in the middle of the biggest attack of my life. It didn't really help with the fact that their eyes followed me like the pictures on walls.

As soon as I took a seat, Layla started talking about Rome. Which, for some reason, made everyone else go back to what they were doing. Not strange at all.

" watch your back."was all I heard.

I looked at her strange. "Are they really that bad?" I thought they belived in peace, not war.

"Yes. They are peace lovin' werewolves that don't have good sense at all. With all the kindness and hugs and politness I don't know how long I'll last." I laughed at how silly she was acting.

"What are you laughing at?"she asked, clearly annoyed.

"You. Do you know how funny you sound?"I say, whipping a tear. She soon joined in my fit of laughter.

Finally, our laughter subsided. "Well, I have to get packed."

All I get in reply is this, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I leave the room, getting all my stuff that I've used. I just stuffed the clothes in the bag, not carring it looks messy. As I'm packing though, I hear footsteps. Heavy ones, going everywhere above me on the...third floor. I let myself hear the rythem in the footsteps. How much time it takes for each step. How fast the steps go.

Then, Adam is infront of me. Looking as mad as ever. With his jaw clenched and his eyes blazing with fury. Well, someone is probably going to die.

"Where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere." I just shrug. Really, this isn't a thing to dwell on.

"I slept on the couch. Got up, and got ready. Then I was packing up for our trip to Rome." I shrug again.

His cold face just got colder, if that's even possible. Did I do something wrong or...

"You didn't sleep in my room? You are not allowed to sleep in here. Understand?"

I looked at him like he grew another head. Why does it matter so much on where I sleep? As long as I sleep I'm happy. Apparently it matters, at least to him.

"I do why?"


"Because why?" This is going to be awhile.

"Bec-"I cut him off.

"Look. We don't have time to argue." I take a quick look at my watch. "We have to be at the airport soon. Understand?" He nods, but isn't happy, probably because I cut him off. Oh well.

"Fine, where's Layla?"

"In the kitchen." He leaves, thankfully. Though, I have an empty feeling. I just shrug it off. I countinue to pack my things.

Looks like I'm goin' to Rome.

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