Chapter 8

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Victoria's POV

"Can you fix it?"I asked hopefully. I didn't want to be here any longer than I had to.

" might take awhile. It needs,"the wind blew the smoke in Layla's face so she started coughing. "It needs new parts."

"Well, if her pack hadn't given us this,"Adam points at the car. "Then we would be half way there."

I look at him. My pack respects them. My brother respects them. Even after what they did. He has no right to say that my pack was the cause of this. It's just the car.

"Adam. Do you really belive my pack would do this to you?"I asked.

He finally says something to me. "Yes I do."

"They respect you. All of you. And you blame him for this?"

"Yes I do."is all he says.

I can't belive him. I turn to the road and start walking. I need to blow off some steam and maybe there's a diner somewhere around here.

"Hey! Where do you think your going?"Adam calls out.

I don't answer. I just keep on walking. If I said anything else I was going to blow. Of course he didn't like that.

"Answer me."he whispered in my ear, causing shivers to go down my back. He must have run up to me 'cause he wasn't that close at first.

I still kept on walking. I was hungry and tired of his attitude.

Adam's POV

She won't answer back to me. I want to hear her say something. Anything.

"Victoria. Answer me."I said, trying to stay calm.

She kept on walking, making me more mad with each step. I followed (which I don't do a lot of) making sure she wouldn't get herself into danger. Its the whole point of me being here.

"Adam, are you really going to follow her?"Layla called, though I heard her perfectly like I was still standing beside her.

"You know I have to protect my mate."was my response. She knows I wouldn't have my mate die. I would kill them before they got too.

"Yeah, I know. Just, give the girl some space. She needs time you know."

Give her some space. I can do a little. I stop and let her walk five steps, then countinue following. That should be enough for now. I know its not much, but rouges are still after her. So this is the best she is going to get.

~Victoria's POV~

I have been walking for maybe twenty minutes now. Now I can see a building get into view. Why anything is out here beats me, but if there's food then might as well.

I know Adam is somewhere behind me. He would probably follow me to the ends of the Earth if I walked there. I just wish he would have left me be. Stay at the car. Anything, but follow me around like a lost puppy.

The building starts to get into view. I see a big white building that's half gas station, half resturant. Just what I need.

I walk through the red door to the resturant (that is in need of another paint job) the little bell rings, telling whoever works here someone is here.

This old lady pops out of nowhere, scaring me half to death. She sits me in a booth and asks if I want anything to drink.

"I'll have some water and a cheese burger." She scuries away, making my burger.

Soon Adam is infront of me. "You already order without me, darling?"

I sigh. Couldn't he have picked a diffrent booth, then watch me like a stalker. Well, it's better than him sitting right there.

"Yes I did. I'm sorry if I'm hungry."

He has a toothy grin on his face. "She speaks. I thought you would become mute and never talk to me again."

Not a bad idea. Though, I probably couldn't do it. I would have to talk eventually.

The old lady places my order infront of me. "Are you eating too?"

"No."he says, harshly. She shrugs and walks away.

I look around, seeing if anyone else is here. I do spot one man, who is staring straight at me. Not creepy at all...

Adam looks at what I'm staring at and growls. Then the smell hits me.

"Rouge."I whisper.

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