chapter 1:

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(ignore if reading after the rewrite)

HORRIBLE WRITING! fr how did anyone read this and think damn that's art right there, but anyways also please ignore how badly i wrote these characters??? its actually astronomical how ooc these people are, I'm rewriting for sure

it was december 22nd of 2022, after two long years of waiting, alice in borderland season 2 aired

you decided to watch it all in one night, because you cannot bare to wait any longer, watching the first seven episodes quickly, with bags of your favorite snacks nearby, and your stuffed animals beside you to keep you company

you were about to press play next episode when a knock sounded throughout the room, no one else was home, your roommate having left for her job hours before, she was supposed to be coming home soon so you assumed she forgot her key

when you opened the door, ready to greet her there was no one there, except a box with your name on it

you didn't remember buying something, maybe it was a gift?

you opened the box and there was nothing in it, you frowned and closed it, assuming it was a prank until you heard something move in it

...there was nothing inside it a moment ago

you decided to be brave and open it again, a sudden bright light was inside the box, overtaking your vision and you passed

you were on your couch when you woke up. the lights were off while the sun was down, wasn't it just 7am? you grabbed your remote because you needed to watch the last two episodes, only for it to not turn on

sighing, you adjust your eyes to see in the darkness, finding your way to your closest and getting a flashlight and some batteries, you look around to see your place dirty, as if you hadn't been there the whole time

thinking you had bee robbed and they trashed the place, you grab your baseball bat you keep in your room to inspect further

you notice how there is no lights outside either, you put on some clothes that fit with the weather and some shoes

you walk outside to notice every house/apartment near you lights are off aswell, you walk around a bit, seeing as there was no sigh of human life

you think of alice in borderland, what if the borderlands were real and you had been sucked into them?! no, no way, it's a tv show/manga, theres no way it could be real,

maybe this was just a dream, just as you thought that a screen lit up with bright lights, saying "game arena this way" yeah, totally a dream

you follow it to a building you've definitely seen before, its the first game they play in the show

you walk in only to be alone, they must have not got here yet, or maybe in this dream they're not here? you get proven wrong two minutes later when the three boys walk in, sighing in relief when they see you

karube walks up to you, "do you know where all the people went?" i shake my head, technically i do know but it felt weird to just say it

they each pick up a phone, my heart starts pounding, if i was going to be in this dream for awhile, i wanna try to save them from the seven of hearts, which means i need to be the last one to leave the second to last room, so chota's leg doesn't get burnt

and just like that, shibuki walks in, shortly after being the girl in the school uniform, i wonder if i can save her too?

we walk into the elevator all together, i notice arisu looking at the evacuation map, remembering what im about to face, thank god they're here ive watched the show so much, i remember the correct doors, although i do not remember the safe zone in ep2, too many doors, hopefully tatta's there

we walk in seeing the two doors, this one i know is die, i let them talk for a bit, as they start panicking about the smoke coming in, i try to warn the little girl about not going inside the live door, but she runs for it, ignoring me, and dying

i flinch at the sound of her body hitting the floor, shibuki doesn't bat a eyelash and runs to the die door, me following closely behind

shibuki holds onto my hand suddenly, i look at her but she doesn't look back, its as if she was trying to protect me

arisu notices but doesn't say anything, i try to go to the live door but shibuki keeps me in place

"the answer is live!" i try to go, "yeah well thats exactly what she said last time, and someone died! so you trying to kill us?!" karube shouts

"then ill open it!" i shout, shibuki tries to protest but i manage to get myself out of her hold, why is she being so protective?

i open the door, not being struck by the laser, thankfully remembering at least some of the order, the others follow through, shibuki protectively standing in front of me

"the next door should be death" they look at me like im crazy, i look at them weirdly

"i can open it-" before i finish my sentence they all shout no, jeez, whats wrong with them?

i would just run to the door but they would probably push me back, ugh, karube offers to open the door for me, how come they trust me so easily? i don't even a proper explanation for how i know the doors 'oh i just know cause you're in a popular netflix show' that sounds crazy but it is true

karube opens the door, and it being correct of course,we all run into the room, now im pretty sure the next door is death too, they all look at me for a answer, i answer "death" they nod

we end up going through all the doors because of me, finally, im important for once!

i manage to save chota from his burnt leg, and we all make it out in one piece, they did ask me how i knew the doors, and i just said the same exact thing arisu had said in the show

we meet the man whose visa expired, and we grab the card

now i need to make sure we all go to the tag game, which would be tomorrow, just to make sure we don't go to the hearts game

we go to the nearest mall for food and water, and we end up sleeping in ikea

A/N: sooo...whaddya think?? i promise ill actually write this one lmao

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