chapter 3:

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A/N: so sorry for disappearing for so long! i actually had this written about halfway through before my laptop broke and i finally got it fixed today! so finally i can continue

edit: that was like 3 months ago and i completely forgot to write the rest omg IM SO SORRY 😭😭

y/a = your age

cw: death, teenage boys being assholes, i wanted reader to be sadder about this but i kind of made her a bitch 😭


the next day usagi comes to us, with her own supplies and such, looking as if she had gotten no sleep, but her face brighten looking at me, ive already accepted that everyone was going to act weird, but i had barely talked to usagi and she was already weird...

she comes closer to my side as they all start talking

"we will begin our search for the beach tomorrow everyone!" karube  announced, looking as if he was ready to immediately begin

"if it takes a couple days, inbetween the days we will play games separately" fuck? i don't know what kind of games we'll be playing...

"should we play another game today?" chota said, my eyes widen and i quickly shout out "no!" they all looked at me surprised

"i mean, no" i quiet down "we should rest for today, start looking tomorrow? let's make teams and we can get to know each other better" they nod and we decided on the teams

being: me and arisu, karube and usagi, and shibuki and chota

i tell them about the wristbands we saw on aguni and the other guy, saying we should lookout for people with those and follow them

we all separate into different sections of the mall, to look for anything to help us during our time to find the beach

i couldn't help but think about the game, what if i...went? surely another group will find it, right?

i couldn't get rid of the thought, i curse silently to myself, grabbing my jacket and leaving the mall

it was already pretty late when i left, it didn't take me long to find the game arena

i walked in, seeing no one else just yet, taking notice of the collars and weapons assembled onto the tables, i quickly began to regret my decision as three boys walked in, talking and smiling amongst each other

"woah! look! there's a person!" they all ran up to me "hello!" one of them smiled brightly at me "do you happen to know what happened to everybody?"

"it's obviously a prank dude! there's got to be cameras here, even this headpiece has a mic!" one of the boys excitedly pointed at them "there's enough for us, it's totally a hidden camera!"

i chuckled awkwardly "lady, tell us about it, it's a hidden camera right?" one of them said "she probably doesn't know either! she's like us" "you don't know that! she was here before us, she could be behind it, i don't recognize you though, you're definitely not a youtuber or a host"

"im just as clueless as you guys" i lied, i felt extremely bad about it

"i hope there's a prize, like money, i could use it to help my mom" i looked at him worried "what happened to your mom?" i asked

"she's in the hospital, she's really sick, it's bad, if she doesn't get treatment she could die" he frowned

"im sorry to hear that" now i feel even worst, why did i come here in the first place..

the robotic voice begins to talk

"game, hide & seek, difficulty, seven of hearts" the boys were confused "why does that mean?"

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