chapter 22 (ENDING)

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A/N: can u guys believe i was 14 years old when i started writing this ff 💀 u can tell im ngl the first chapters are just wow! and the fact my english was so bad back then, i still do plan on rewriting S1 but I'll keep the old chapters for nostalgia

also idk if anyone noticed but i took down the profiles because why was i causally writing about these people assaulting u as a punishment...was i insane?? like wtf was 14 year old me thinking ann would not be assaulting you?? im better yall i promise 🙏

well if we're being fr yanderes wouldn't care if you consent but because i can write anything i want i will say they wouldn't

also!!! sorry if im missing dialogue, i had to use youtube clips instead of netflix 😔


as you and mira played through the last round, even though you were getting exhausted and felt like collapsing, but you knew chishiya felt worse, his wrist still bled even slightly

you thought about what would happen after the game, would you return to the real world? but what even is the real world? is it yours or theirs? you almost even forgot you were not from whatever reality this was

or maybe you died, and got sent into a afterlife where you got to experience your favorite show, is the afterlife really so fucked up to bring you here and not some more wholesome drama?

you could barely pay attention through the game, until finally, mira hit the final goal with a excited squeak "yes! hehe, i win!" her face went serious once again as he walked closer to the two of you

"you finished three sets, you didn't quit or forfeit... congratulations, y/n, everyone would be proud of you" mira smiled at you "i am, too"

you smiled back at her, despite the torture she put you and everyone else through, you couldn't help it "before...before the game really ends... can't i ask you, about this place? where are we exactly?"

mira looked to the side, staring fondly to the sights below "that's something you'll learn on your own, y/n, you have to make a decision, and you'll learn who you really are, when you choose, life is...just a game that we play together, you should try to enjoy it, dear"

her thumb stroked your cheek softly before moving away, hearing that familiar whirring as she smiled, the laser piercing through her skull, falling to the ground, her dress flowing beautifully

you and chishiya didn't speak, both too tired to even utter a word, you walked to him and wrapped your arms around him, tears falling freely down your cheeks, what was going to happen now...?

that's when a loud robotic voice spoke, a voice you never wanted to hear again

"congratulations, all games have been cleared" as it played out, the blimp above exploded, even as the blast hurt your ears, you stayed connected to chishiya, fireworks lit up the dark sky

it reminded you of the very first episode, if you had never seen the show, would this have happened? would you have came into this world and died not knowing anything?

"to all players, please specify whether you would like to accept residency or not, we will repeat..."

you looked up at chishiya, mumbling "what will you say?"

he lifted his hand that wasn't injured to touch your head, stroking your hair softy "what a tough decision...but I'll pass" you nodded "i... decline aswell"

you sighed and laid your head on his lap, awaiting whatever was next, thinking about the others still outside, were they dead? or just suffering?
















it was a fairly normal day, taking a walk in the city, large crowds formed while cara drove by, you looked out onto the road, seeing nothing in particular while you walked, the light turned red and you were able to go onto the crosswalk, you looked up squinting your eyes at the violent sun as there were loud noises

fireworks...? in the middle of daylight with no holidays, weird, but you couldn't help but be strangely mesmerized, it felt so couldn't hear or feel anything around, not even the screaming of others or the honking of a horn as a car sped towards you

waking up in a hospital was the last thing you expected, it felt like you were out for years, but the doctor said it was only two days, you got hit by a don't know what was going through your head

the fireworks...reminded you of something, what was it...maybe, it was alice in borderland? ah, wasn't the new season coming out soon? or wait, it was already out? you can't remember, your head starts hurting when you think about the show

you had to stay at the hospital for a couple weeks, because of fractured bones and a sudden sickness, and the way your head would start hurting so badly when you thought about that show, but something else felt wrong, it felt like something was missing

no, you're just being crazy, nothing was wrong right? that's you told your new friend from the hospital, who felt so oddly familiar, like you had seen them somewhere, when you asked them, they said they felt the same way, it was odd

your heart would beat around them, but it just felt so off, did the accident hit something in your brain or what? and what's even weirder, your friend acted so strange, like they were hiding something from you, you caught them staring at you often, so you assumed they just had a crush or something

after weeks of bland food you finally made it home, but even being there felt wrong, you were paranoid as if someone was watching you, or as if something bad would happen, after about three months, you invited the friend from the hospital over

the two of you chatted animatedly about anything that crossed your minds, until you were both bored of the conversation "how about we watch something?" they asked, the two of you scrolled through netflix until they landed on something

...alice in borderland, even just the mention of it gave you a migraine, but you agreed, maybe your favorite show would cheer you up, but as you watched it, something felt very off, like something...was missing

you searched up on your phone, staring at the cast and characters, feeling conflicted, maybe it was just in your head afterall, but you couldn't shake it off

"it's probably nothing, just a side effect from the accident" they had said in a effort to calm you down, but they seemed weird about it, why was everything so weird? you felt like crying, what was wrong with you?

maybe it really was nothing, and it shouldn't matter, even as your head pounded from the hours of episodes, your head rested on their chest as they stroked your hair, you slowly drifted off to sleep

they looked down at your sleeping form and smirked, arms tightening around you "oh, y/n, darling...your poor little mind is all messed up, hm?" they whispered, stroking your head "don't worry about it... dont think too much, it'll only hurt me, hurt all of us"

as your body slept, unknowing of the way the characters stared into the camera from your tv, silence all around as their gazes pierced through the screen, with only one character missing...


A/N: 👀👀 DO YOU GUYS LIKE IT?? I HOPE IT MAKES SENSE 😭 a little explanation if you need...

basically everything that happened was real but it also wasn't, you basically got sent into the world of alice in borderland, but when you came back things in your life changed, and the unnamed character we have here is supposed to be any aib character of your choice, just think that they were so crazy in love that they managed to manipulate the universe into becoming a real person, and doing so erased them from the show, and you can feel that something is wrong about it

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