chapter 11

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also! if you go back to read the first chapter, I changed the starting of this ff, because I have dramatic ideas for the end of this, so I changed a little bit, and I'm probably going to start the rewrite soon

everybody stood around in front of the starbucks in shibuya, we had been standing here for at least a hour with no sign of the games starting yet

"none of the games have started yet" arisu was the first to speak, speaking out loud what everyone was thinking

"maybe we still have time" usagi replied

"or they forgot to push the big red start button" chishiya said, not taking his eyes off the sign

"they wouldn't be that stupid" karube said "its probably on purpose"

"maybe it already started?" chota questioned

"they haven't even told us the rules yet" kuina sighed, she was sitting down as opposed to everyone else who was standing

"maybe the game has no rules" shibuki spoke "they want to see us act stupid"

usagi started to move her head around, looking at every corner, hearing something

"what?" kuina asked her as she began to walk around

"i hear something"

it was a car, many cars, people from the beach arriving in time

they parked all around us as they moved out of their cars

"what are you guys doing here?" karube asked, walking towards a man you didn't know the name of

"we saw the blimps show up" he answered

"there are rumors that the next stage is starting" a girl with short hair said

"right, heres the thing-" right as karube spoke the man fell dead, with a loud explosion, bits of his body flying everywhere

usagi and chota yelped, karube and kuina flinched, chishiya didn't make a noise and shibuki had her hand over her mouth

your shoulders were tense, obviously you knew that happened, but seeing it infront of you was disgusting and cruel
the guy next to him got shot too. shibuki was next to you and grabbed your arm, attempting to hide you behind her back

more and more began getting shot, everybody yelling to get in a car

you all started running except for chishiya who was speed walking calmly

"that's a anti tank rifle" he flinched when a gunshot sounded behind him, hitting a car next to him

"hiding behind a car is useless" he ran to catch up with us but two people got shot in front of us, we had to hurry to switch the position we were running in

we hid behind something (i have no idea whats it called lmao)

"does this mean the games started?" kuina shouted

"they didn't give us any rules" shibuki spoke

"this is just a massacre" karube yelled

we moved while crouched down to see the street "that rifle can kill from a kilometer away" chishiya said

a different gun started going off, the king of spades changed his weapon

"i recognize the sound of that one"

"now we've got an assault rifle"

"we have no idea how many there are"

"how many guns can this guy hold?" you said

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