18. magic festival arc start

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Now that for the most part everything would be set up Lian would shake her head as she views the now finished school.
And two others
Would all be ready as Lian walked in
"I see you all are ready, now... do you all have different types of magic that make you who you are so exploring that I would set you up with a teacher that can help you, and they will explain what makes you since I had Tyson study all in secret and see what type of magic y'all could be best at by viewing your Mana"

Lian said.

Tyson would then walk forward
And say
"Welcome after seeing how your model responds and reading y'all I have determined this Elie, you seem to be rather Superior at magic reading and summon type magic, and with that, we figure Chum would be the best teacher for you, Finn you are good at magic reading just like myself and your sister.
And element magic
So you will be on my team.
And Wyatt you seem to also be able to use reading magic and dark magic risky I say, but you know vampire-based
blood magic is rather cool, to be honest, so I think Russell should teach you.

and Abby very, unfortunately, you don't have access to Magic reading, as much of our race does but your powers are there you can combine and vote for your forms and you are really strong blood magic so Russell would also be a good teacher for you.

And Maeve the young mysterious catraix is hard to read you because your species has natural magic blocking so I gave you a teacher based on what I think would be best for someone like you, so we found one her name is Hazel. next

Roza, you are special in every way but it's obvious who's going to teach you since you are a demon Russell I don't even have to explain what you can do your magic is special to you because you're a demon. So Damien you have a strong form of teleportation magic unlike any other I've ever seen, even though your other magic is kind of subpar for you teleportation magic is beyond, you can use teleportation magic without making tags it's rather impressive and can be combined to do some deadly stuff so I take interest in you I will teach you myself

Now, Gwen, you have Superior enhancing and healing-based Magic so Roxie will teach you.

Leon your magic is very limited but I will teach you to become a warrior, now my dear cousin.

Luna, you will be taught by another person with a soul fragment so Tixey will be your teacher. With that being said, everyone will be sent to the home Room with Lian, I've done enough talking for a year we will see y'all in class an-"

Before Tyson could finish Roxie and Lian would whisper into Tysons ear.

"Oh there will be two more Victor and Katie, they will be taught by Curt now that he is free."

Tyson said.

Lain would sigh and look at everyone

"Well with that y'all can take your leave make sure to be here tomorrow for the first lesson I will address her body as the homeroom teacher and make sure everything begins after that y'all will probably split off from there we can start building your magic because in about a year there is something called The Magic Festival, a test of power between schools I want us to go there I believe even though we're young and knew we could do something so in a year I hope to make you all stronger so get some rest in the start of your Journey Begins tomorrow."

Lian said as everyone chatters and would leave soon after.

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