7. bloodstream IV

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Memory start

And young Tyson in the queen will the soon-to-be Queen Lian would be running around the grassy Terrain the world seemed a different back then it was darker but it was the two of them for so long they were around the age of seven to eight simply enough but they would find a young curt
He wasn't as popular as it seemed to be

He was being jumped by three older kids who thought they were Superior in every way they were beating him up brutally as they would pound into him slamming their legs into his ribs hurting him Tyson would immediately notice this as a young Tyson

Would Instinct Lee jump forward blocking the bullies from the young boy

Tyson would then sigh as the bullies would start to jump him and start even beat up Tyson.
But of course, this would change when Tyson would flip over the three bullies slamming his young fist into them it was quite a struggle and a good one.

But Tyson was managing well he was fighting and didn't stop he was getting beat up helping this kid he didn't even know but he was honorable and every way oh, he also made sure his friend


As Tyson made sure
The two of them were protected he would have been truly being able to finish the fight with the three bullies taking them down but not without getting beat to hell and back.

Young Tyson would then walk over to curt and extend his hand

" Are you okay what's your name
I'm Tyson and that's Lian"

Tyson said as curt takes his hand standing up.

"I'm curt... Thanks for saving me but why?"

Young curt asked.

Young Tyson smiled
And simply said

"Because it's the right thing to do, so anyway do you wanna hang out?"

Tyson said.

Curt felt different he felt happy that someone wants to hang out with him.

"You wanna hang out with me?"

Curt asked.

"Yeah of course you seem cool enough"

Tyson said as Lian walks over.


Memory end.

Leon holding a drowsy
Maeve would jump forward
Getting to the docks as fast as he could

But of course, he felt the world-changing things were moving around him he noticed something he noticed that people Shadows were being used as weapons he didn't have the great influence to know that they were going to exactly hurt him but he felt something off inside his heart and soul he felt like he had to do something so he avoided the Shadows if they got closer but eventually one would Pierce to his shoulder causing him to Fall Away into an in Shadyside that the Shadows couldn't reach oh, he was eventually able to put two and two together.

He holds Maeve tightly as he rolls forward and then leaping hoping to away as the shadows drew closer.

Leon with everything he could do with just to run and – into the sun hoping to avoid anything that caused it or gave Shadows but it was hard and nobody noticed it was strange but he eventually got to the edge of the pier in a dark and noticed an old man in a fishing hat breast against the dock with his feet in the water fishing happily in humming but just for a second he let his guard down as he went to go check out the old man's name a shadow came close making a slight creaking noise but it was too late for him to react but not for

Chum to react with 0.01 seconds the old fishing man can react to his fishing pole up immediately slowing down the frequency of time as he tossed his pole and Magic appeared around it be lighting the rod with magic like an aura, the magic seems sharp as it Dash's forward ripping into the Shadows the fishing pole transformed into a magically strong weapon as it vaporizes the Shadows with magic light blasting and bursting into spreading energy destroying any of the attacking Shadow with immediately, Leon was so impressed he couldn't believe what he just saw it was amazing it was a miracle he thought his life was gone he started to cry but the old man just walked closer.

And said

" where's the danger at the kid I'm sensing it now my mind is starting to clear up there was a spell put around us I'm I see I was too old stop it in my old age I guess I let it slip I didn't even know this kind of magic could be a thing it's gotten stronger kid tell me what's going on?"

Chum said.

Leon would sigh in relief.

" thank you so much for saving me oh, from what I saw there's this dangerous man that both Tyson and the queen knows from years ago it must have been something dangerous they were fighting so hard and fast"
Leon said.

"My mind was changed but now my mind is cleared of something that was blocking it tell me where it was I'll head right over"

Chum said.

" It happened in the back Alleyway not too far from here should I be okay or are the Shadows going to come after me?"

Leon said.

" I'm going to cast special white magic I made years ago to counter Shadow-based Magic around y'all don't worry you should be okay without me this old man still has a few famous tricks up his old sleeve, is the girl okay?"

Chum said as he prepared to go to the alleyway.

"I'm not sure im going to make sure she is good though"

Leon said.

"She's tough she is catraix, anyway by Divine Light I cast a protection spell around y'all protect the people I intend to save and the ones that come forth and the kids here now Let the  light Vanquish the Shadows Among Us"

Chum said as he dashes away.

Leon would then sigh as he checks up on Maeve.

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