17. the moon Queen

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Luna would transom into a medium-sized wolf.

As Dina would as well

Luna was anxious and hesitant her feelings are abundant.

As Dina dashed closer Luna would use a faint as she slashes away from Dina trying to avoid damage.

Meanwhile, Tyson would head up to pick up his sister and brother.

He looks around and sees a lot of the villagers are gone, he was curious but didn't think too much about it as he saw his sister, Elie, and his brother Finn.

"Hey Finn, Elie let's go!"

Tyson said.

"Wait you can't just come back after being gone for two years and just take us!"
Finn yelled.

"Yeah, he's right!"

Elie yelled as well.

"Fine, I was just doing as father asked,  thought you would like to come to the big city"

Tyson said calmly.

"Wait the big city with the Queen and all kinds of magic users"

Finn said.

"Don't Change your mind now Finn!"

Elie yelled.

"As I said whatever I don't care, if you come or not but if you do decide to come to hurry up, and yes the city is getting bigger we are getting all kinds of magic users to teach, dad wants you to probably learn from them but whatever"

Tyson said as he started to walk off.

"Wait I'll come"

Finns said as he raced right behind Tyson.

Elie would follow suit as well.

"You give in so easy"

Elie said.

Dina was Quick in combat and had intense velocity.

As she rigged her claws into Luna, Dina would then slam her teeth into the neck of Luna.

Luna was crying out in pain as she started to dig her sharp claws in as a measure to use defense, as she was able to free herself he would slam her pause forward in the bite in a forward motion into the neck of Dina attempting to pin her to the ground.

After some time from the back-to-back fight and both of them gain the high ground and low ground eventually Dina would gain the upper hand and just be brutalizing Luna.

At this point, Tyson and his brother and sister would come back into the scene, entering the arena after looking around and notice and everybody was here he would sit next to Adam, Wyatt, and Abby, Tyson was looking at them curiously.

"So what's going on why is Luna fighting that wolf?"

Tyson asked.

" well basically for my knowledge this person had taken my kids in and I don't know if it's true or not but some law or something is stopping me from taking them so apparently your cousin have to defeat her but I'm unsure about all this is this true"

Adem said.

"Yes once again another one of our dumb rules here which is why I don't want to be here oh, I'm sure she can win imma take a nap"

Tyson said as he laid his head back and closed his eyes.

" you're just going to go to sleep?"

Adem asked

As in the background, the kids and Tyson's brother and sister were getting to know each other.

" you don't seem to comprehend, there was a reason why she was kept out of a lot of Main Family it is mostly a mystery, to everyone but myself and Lace, my father, and the elder a couple of years ago when she was young oh, we had a war for another tribe they use an underhand technique they got other nations involved we were left with nothing, however, we found a way to come back with the sacrifice of the Elder but it took so much effort, during this war my cousin was abducted, by the catraix and some demon and orcs, they planted something in her to destroy her and us, a soul fragment, of a former demon lord. Lavinia shuns the demon god of the moon we were able to control it eventually of course with this being said we got help from well certain people you see my whole life I didn't live in my Village I lived with my grandfather but I was thrown into war during a time of Revolution so right after my current girlfriend the queen just became Queen We are going to another battle helping my Village of course with others but we were able to defeat that forsaken Place The Village whose thought to take ours out oh, my cousin still can't control her power but she will win and I wake up in time hopefully, because she has the demon of the Moon and her power is enhanced 10000 times. Now can I sleep"

Tyson said as he flops his head. Backward.

" I see and understand she is a powerful creature I suppose, let's just hope she can win"

Adem said.

As Luna was getting pounded she would start to feel her rage within her feel her and then she felt the soul fragment of the former demon guy was in here trying to get free as it shared its power with her bursting the Moon into her body giving her power that not a lot knew about.

Just finished she would be able to easily slam the older wolf into the ground-pounding her constantly not stopping within a second of activating this power the other wolf was knocked out meaning Luna won.

She would then leave the arena and head to Adem and Tyson

" don't already kid I'm impressed to let's get going I can teleport us from here"

Tyson said.

" you have some rare powers, have a lot of questions but I agree let's get going, and thank you"

Adem said

"It's no issue it's something you just do for family, now let's get going"

Luna said.

She would then sigh.

Within seconds they will all teleported to the city wants more and with a head to the queen everything was set up and now the story could fully begin and unfold.

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