10. The long Road ahead.

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After about a day or two has passed Tyson was ever to recover with some major help.

A young elf doctor would shake her head towards Tyson

"You have to be careful Tyson... Sliver can kill you you know this"

The young doctor said.

"Roxie I'll be ok... Don't have to worry about me"

Tyson said.

"Tyson  I will always worry about you, and everyone here... Just is careful"

Roxie said as her blondish red hair would shine.

"I get it... But it's not like back then"

Tyson said.

"I know I get that, but I can still worry about you dummy!"
Roxie said.

"Well don't I can handle myself, but Roxie you should come to teach at the castle Lian needs you"

Tyson said.

"I'll think about it, but you need rest and I'm headed home so sleep tight"

Roxie said as she walks out of the room.

Lian shakes her head going through an old magic-user book to see what teachers are available.

"A lot of dead ones in here hmm it seems there's a lot of teachers from old Burham probably the ones that survived that is and there are ones here and there I'll send out the letters now"

Lian said to herself as she lays her head down.

After the letters were to be sent a few days have expired and now Lian was getting letters back, telling her that most of the teachers accepted.
She would giggle as she heads to where the school was and saw magic builders fixing It.

Lian would then head to the orphanage where Maeve and Leon were.

"Hey, Maeve right? Sorry we didn't get to talk before, are you feeling better?"

Lian asked Maeve.

"Huh oh, Queen Lian yes, im feeling much better thanks for saving me"

Maeve said.

Lian would sigh

"Now-here comes the hard part, what was an orphan like you doing at the jewelry store?"

Lian asked.

"Nothing! I swear"

Maeve said.

"Kid I was like you once, I know you were stealing from that place, which from my point of view is no big deal because you're an orphan, but know that im making you a royal magic student, I can't have you running around stealing, so don't do it or I'll spade your little kitty, understand?"

Lian said

"Y- yes ma'am I swear I won't steal"

Maeve said
"Hmmm good, I hope you mean it because I see myself in you, you were just like me when I was a kid, an orphan trying to do whatever it takes to survive"

Lian said

"What you were an orphan but how you are the Queen"

Maeve said.

"Things work differently you know"

Lian said.

"Well I guess that makes sense so I'll be going"
Maeve said as she was about to walk away.
As Lian stopped her.

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