19. Trip to a bar

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A new day dawns and starts the first day of the student's lives.

Tyson would look around and see Lian he would smile and say

"My Queen I love you"

Tyson said.

"Tyson... You don't have to call me that, I have known you for years now, we are equals, but I love you more than the world"
Lian said.

"Hmmph no then I love you more than 10 worlds."
Tyson said.

"Fine then I love you more than Infinity"
Lian said.

"Oh come on! Fine I Love you Double than that!"

Tyson said

"Oh come here"

Lian said as she kissed Tyson.

The students would all be watching as they walked in silently, red-faced and all.

"Mr. TYSON! she's sucking your face! Are you ok"

Wyatt yelled.

Tyson's face would turn to confusion

"It's called kissing, people who love each other do it personally I don't understand it but each person is their own"

Luna said.

The kids would all make vomiting noises because they think kissing is gross.

Luna would sigh.

"Everyone calm down it's a part of life anyway chum is going to explain some things while we get everything going"

Lian said as Chum walked out.

Lian and Tyson would then walk off heading towards the holding cells.

"Hey, Lian I didn't want to make a scene but now that we are fully alone, im going for it, Lian would you marry me?"

Tyson announced.

Lian would tear up as she did she would hug Tyson

"Yes, I do, Tyson even though things aren't perfect when I am with you they are!"

Lian said.

They would Embrace each other for some time but eventually, they had to go separate ways as Tyson would head into the prison afterward and Lian back to the school.

Tyson would walk on and notice the scar-faced man he would sigh and say

"Hey! It's time to tell me what you know about this dark cult and all these punk using shadow magic, and who their leader is!"

Tyson commanded.
"Well, I do know their master could be anyone or anything? He'll it could probably be me or you"

The scar-faced man said.

Tyson would shake his head.

"Take this seriously!"
Tyson said.

"Huh I was but fine you think someone like me, a bandit would know about these shadows, well I know what you know, they were created by the leader of the dark cult the group you been having trouble with, and for the orcs, they even been giving me trouble they are just bloodthirsty"

The scar-faced man said.

"Hmm very well, I see you are telling the truth now I can see the readings in your mana even though you seem to have very little magic I can still read you, anyway, for your crimes you'll probably end up spending 7 years here"

Tyson said as he walked over to Curts cell.

"Very little magic that's funny"

The scar-faced man said.

Tyson would then open up Curts cell and sit down next to him.

"Well, Curt do you think you are healthy enough?"
Tyson asked.

"Yeah, I guess I am?"

Curt said.

"I need you to teach two people are you up to it"

Tyson asked.

"Well I still feel the darkness lurking on me but I can try my best"

Curt said.

" you know what enough about work let's just go have a chat about stuff just me and you to go grab a drink relax a bit you being cooped up in this cell too long," Tyson said as he motions Curt to follow him.

Tyson would take Curt to an old but humble bar, the Durkan mule.

"So the first rounds on me"
Tyson said as he sits down.

Curt would shake his head and look away.

"So Tyson Roxie is single and your dating Lian?"

Curt asked

" engaged now to Lian, and Roxie and I broke up some time ago, she went on to have her kids, but her lover went missing."

Tyson said.

"So this means Roxie is available?"
Curt asked.

"Wait you st- oh yeah of course you would even though you have a body that is much older than your mind. your mind is still of your former self 10 years ago, so you never got over her but now she's open but of course, she's dealing with a lot of stuff on her plate she's trying to find a successor oh, that teach her medicine to you know what to get her good side you can find a young prodigy"
Tyson said.

"Fuck it let's do it you and me."

Curt said.

"Woah woah wait we can't just!"

Tyson yelled.

"Let's go steal a kid!"

Curt yelled.

"Curt we can't just steal a child."

Tyson said.

"Now hold up, let's steal them with permission"

Curt said as the bartender
Slide Tyson 2 of the usuals
A trash can with extra ale, the drink not a trash can.

"Thanks, Matt"

Tyson said

"Oi Matt is that you?!"

Curt said.

"Sure is"

Matt said with a smile.

Curt would take a sip of his drank
And look towards Tyson.

"Well if we can't find a kid for Roxie to teach then... What can we do"

Curt said.

"Well just talked to her she hasn't seen you in a while so you know just talk to the damn girl"

Tyson said.

Curt would sigh

"Man I've never been good at talking to girls man"

Curt said.

"Well if you mind me butting in well, but there is a healing Prodigy East of here from what I have seen of this person and know about they travel around I mostly stay in the East City around here oh, it's not too far if not that you should get thy lady some flowers"

Matt said.

"Hmm, thanks for the information Matt it should help"
Tyson said.

"Well let's head east Tyson shouldn't take that long"

Curt said.

"Alright buddy lets go, see you later Matt"

Tyson said.

"As to you"
Matt said.

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