Chapter 17- Second...

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After a few minutes of discussion, "So you have a hatred towards humans? Is that why you were harsh towards me when we first met?" Hart asked with a smirk, Zombonica looked to the ground in embarrassment, "Yeah... About that... Sorry, hehe I didn't know you were a Luxian at the time" Hart chuckled at her friend's voice, "Hahaha! It's okay. At least you're nice to me now, right?" the zombie nodded, "Yeah" Henri then stood up from his chair, "Uh Hart?" "Hm?" "Don't we have to go to school today?" Hart gasped, "Oh my sendri!! Let's get going!!" she said before she put on her shoes and dashed out the door, Zombonica and Typhoon looked at one another and smirked, "Wait for it..." said Typhoon, "3... 2... 1" said Zombonica before Hart slammed the door open, "Never mind... Today is Saturday. My bad" Henri laughed, "Good timing!" Zombonica raised his shoulders and smiled "Hey, I just happen to know (More like find out) that Hart is predictable" Hart pouted, "That's just harsh..." Zombonica chuckled, "I know, Sorry" Typhoon then got up, "I'm going to the market! I shall be back!" Hart looked up at him, "Can you bring cinnamon rolls?" Typhoon nodded, "Sure, I'm buying cookies! See ya! Oh wait... Zombonica, you need anything?" the zombie nodded, "Yeah, Blood" Everyone stared at him in silence, "I... I don't think they sell blood at the market..." Zombonica sighed, "Not real blood... I'm talking about that candy that Luxians made, its called Blood back on my planet" Hart began to laugh, "Oh! You mean Kemu!" Typhoon then smiled, "Ooh! Yeah I'll get you that!" he then ran out the door and dashed towards the market. "Well, what to do?" said Henri, "Let's go to the park!" said Hart with her finger in the air as if using it as a signal, "The park?" "Yeah! We can play games, play with dogs, and go swimming!" Zombonica stood up and backed up, "Swimming?!" Hart could see him shaking a little, "Zenn, are you afraid of swimming?" Zombonica shook his head, "No... Its just that for Zombies, water is like acid!" Hart gasped in horror, "Acid?! My Lord! We cannot go swimming then! We will go the carnival then!" Zombonica raised an eyebrow, "Carnival? What are you celebrating?" Hart smiled, "We are celebrating the Day of Fun! It only comes twice a year! You'll love it, I just know it!" the trio left after getting ready and first went to the park, "Hey, Zenn look over there!" said Hart pointing over to a cute squirrel, "Yeah... Its adorable" Henri smiled at it and ran to it, "Henri! It might-!" But it was too late and Henri picked up the squirrel but to Hart's surprise, it didn't attack Henri, "Its so cute!" said Henri as he hugged the squirrel, Zombonica and Hart's mouths hung wide open in shock, "What the hell?! Its not attacking you?! How?!" questioned Zombonica. The three continued to walk around the park along with the squirrel, "Hey, I think the festival is about to start!" said Hart as she, Henri, and Zombonica reached a float, it was a huge dragon with a smile, "How unusual... Looks cool!" said Zombonica with excitement, "Yeah, Meeme Hatchiko!" (Let's go in Luxian) Hart exclaimed, "Okay!" the three once again walked further and stopped when they saw more and more floats, "I hear there going to show the SS!" said Hart as she looked around, "SS?" asked Henri and Zombonica, "The Sendri Symbols! They said they would show them off this time!" Henri raised an eyebrow, I wonder what that is... Hm... Hart looked up into the sky and stared at the first star to appear in the sun set, her eyes gleamed, Henri looked at his sister, Hart had a soft smile forming on her lips, "Hart? What's up?" Hart looked at her brother, "This is... the first time that, we hung out with a Zenn. Its like... We're family" Zombonica smiled, "Well... I guess I could consider you a family. I don't really have any family of my own..." Hart's smile disappeared, "What? What do you mean?" Zombonica chuckled sadly, "My... Parents died when I was younger..." Hart looked at him in disbelief, "I... Thought Zombies couldn't die..." Zombonica looked at Hart, "I never said that" Hart then remembered, "Oh... You told me that in my dream... Sorry" He smiled, "Okay..." all of a sudden, fireworks shot up into the sky, "Woah..." they all said as they stared at the bright lights. After the firework blew up, it formed a face in the sky, "Huh?" as the face became clearer, Hart gasped, "Dad?!" yelled Henri in shock. "Wait... That's Zentrick Love! He's... Your father?" asked Zombonica with surprise, "But... My father died. About 4 years ago... Why would they show his face at a Festival Celebrating the day of Fun?!" said Hart boiling with anger. "ZENTRICK LOVE: AKA; KING OF HEALING, KING, INTELLIGENT, BEST THINKER, QUESTIONER, ZANKREI, TREASURE!" Said the announcer for the festival, Hart raised a brow, "King of healing? King? Zankrei? Treasure? Why does my father go by so many names?!" she questioned, "UNFORTUNATELY, OUR KING HAS GONE MISSING AND SO LET US HAVE A MOMENT OF SILENCE TO SHOW RESPECT TO SUCH AN AWESOME-!" Zombonica looked at Hart with wide eyes, "Wait isn't Zentrick Love the-?" "KING OF LUXIUS!" Hart gasped and Henri's jaw dropped. "King? Of Luxius?!" If  father is king of Luxius then... That makes me and Henri... Royalty?! Why??? Why would Dad not tell us that... We are royalty! Hart smiled for a brief second but then it turned into a frown, We don't need that... We don't need this worthless info. "Hart! You two are royalty! What are you going to do? Take the throne?" asked Zombonica with a serious face, "No... I don't care. I don't want to be special... That's probably what got my father killed in the first place..." Yes... That's probably what mother meant... The price for selfishness. I don't want to take the throne, it seems that it would be a curse. I hope Henri thinks the same. Hart looked over to her brother, "Really?! Why?" he asked, "I think... Its what Shenurau wanted to kill him for... Maybe he had a chance to be king but Father beat him to it" Henri's brows furrowed, "That can't be true! Dad wouldn't be mean like that!" Hart shook her head, "There's no other way to win the throne... He must've betrayed Shenurau at some point. I'm sorry... Let's just try to enjoy the rest festival" replied Hart with a sad smile. Henri nodded and the three looked back into the sky, the next firework blew into the air and formed a green mountain. "Yaniko Sendri... The fifth Luxian god" said Zombonica as he stared, "So all the gods that we know about are from the Legend that came from millions of years ago right?" Hart nodded, "They say that the gods will come together to save Luxius or some other planet. The gods will have the symbols embedded in their hearts. But my teacher told me that you can see your symbol through one of your eyes, so you probably recognize them by that too" Henri nodded in reply, "Hey, look. Here comes the next one" this time a huge fist appeared in the sky, "Tombstone, the fourth god" "The strength holder..." the third firework formed a four pointed star, "Huh?" Henri stared at the symbol and suddenly his mind clicked, That's my symbol... "Estreon, the third god. The Heaven Protecter" said Zombonica, "He was said to be the second god but due to him being less powerful, he became third" Henri felt confused, The second god? I don't remember what the three main gods were anyway... "WE SHALL ANNOUNCE THE TWO REMAINING GODS! THE FIRST IS THE INTELLECTUAL GOD! ZONMI COAH!" the sky held the form which was a huge Z with spikes. "NOW THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!" Zombonica smirked, I know that Zomni Coah is actually supposed to be a Zombie. Heh, legends are always weird. "THE GODDESS OF FRIENDSHIP! HARUNA! THE STRONGEST OF THE GODS! THE SAVIOR OF OUR WORLD!" said the announcer with a happy tone, Hart's jaw dropped as she stared at the Sendri Symbol, it was a pink heart with shining white wings.

To be Continued...

*Chapter 17, done! Hope you all liked it! Thanks to All Readers! :)*

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